8th - VIII Standard - English - Third Midterm Test Question Paper - Model Question Paper - Samacheer Kalvi
III Mid Term Test
VIII Time: 1.30 hrs
Subject: English Marks:
I. Choose the correct Synonyms for the italicized words: 3×1=3
I was really scared.
bold b. frightened c. timid
Let us browse about it.
surf b. read c. glance
There is a chance to get addicted.
a. accustomed b. known c. inclined
II. Choose the correct Antonyms for the italicized words: 3×1=3
1. The explosion had weakened
the building’s foundations.
a. dreary b. dull c.
strengthen d. weak
2. A stranger was roaming
around the street.
a. well known b. newcomer c. unknown d.
3. Vairavan is having a spot of bother
with law.
a. worry b.
annoy c. pester d. pleasing
III. Find the suitable American
English word and fill in the following. 3×1=3
1. Colour -
2. Programme -
3. Bin –
IV. Fill in the blanks with correct
Euphemisms for the given words.
1. Unemployed
2. Slow learners-
3. Old –
V. Fill in the blanks
with suitable tags.
1. She is collecting stickers, ………..?
2. We often watch TV in the afternoon, ………….?
3. Mary didn’t do her homework last Monday, ……….?
VI State which of the following
sentences is/are simple, Compound and Complex. 3×1=3
1. His courage won him honour
2. Jancy returned home because she was
3. Whatever you do, do well.
VII Say true or false: 3×1=3
1. Gladin’s mom knew how screw guage
2. We use internet to gather information and gain knowledge.
3. Rani was frightened of an online predator.
VIII Fill in the blanks with the suitable answers: 4×1=4
1. Internet is a great tool where, one can
gather __________.
2. Gladin is gathering information for his
__________ .
3. The computer actually gobbled a _______
4. The computer forgot to ______ the poet's
IX Answer any five of the following
questions: 5×2=10
1. Why did Gladin’s mom ask him to browse?
2. Why do we use internet?
3. What was Rani afraid of?
4. How does the poet describe her computer?
5. What is the name of the hero of this
6. What happened to the computer?
X. Answer any two of the following paragraphs: 2×5=10
1. How should one use the technology of the present
2. Where did the nurse post this story?
3. "We can't
ignore the benefits of internet and mobile phone." Justify.
XI. Write any one of the following:
a. Write a formal email to Mr Sundar Pitchai,
CEO of Google, requesting him for an appointment to interview him.
b. Look at the picture and write five
sentences of your own:
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