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8th - VIII Standard - English - Second Midterm Test Question Paper - Term II - Model Question Paper - Samacheer Kalvi


Second Mid Term Test 

Class: VIII                                                                                                         Time: 1.30 Hrs

Subject: English                                                                                                        Marks: 50


I. Choose the correct Synonyms for the italicized words:                                             3×1=3

1. Languid - ____________

a) energetic   b) moving slowly   c) moving fast    d) stable

2. Wrought - ____________

a) rest        b) fail       c) unshaped   d) caused

3. Garb                                             - ____________

a) dress up      b) over garment      c) clothes  d) over dress

II. Choose the correct Antonyms for the italicized words:                                             3×1=3

1. Veritable ×

a)  perfect      b) more exciting     c) joyful       d) insincere

2. Plaintive ×

a) sounding sad b) sad   c) happy    d) mournful

3. Clustering ×

a) seperation      b) collect     c) gather    d) forming a group

III. Answer any two of the following questions:                                                            2×2=4

1. Quote the expressions from the text when the author sees the Ganges again

2. In what ways the river and its bank have changed?

3. How were the rooms arranged in his house?


IV. Answer any one of the following paragraphs:                                                        1×5=5

1. How does the author spend his afternoon? Explain

2. Describe how the river looks when he rows back.


V. Fill in the blanks with the suitable answers:                                                             3×1=3

1. The author speaks about the river ______________.

2. The ___________________ glimmered over the smooth flowing stream.

3. The author’s brother’s name is ________________.


VI. Answer any two of the following questions:                                                            2×2=4

1. How is a thing of beauty joy forever?

2. Why do we suffer?

3. According to the poet, mention the evil things we possess?

VII. Quote from the memory poem "A Thing of Beauty":                                          5x1=5

From:- A thing ..................

To:- .................... breathing

VIII. Answer any two of the following questions:                                                         2×2=4

1. How did the milkmaid cross the river?

2. What was the Pundit's discourse about?

3. Give reason for the pundit to ask for the milk at dawn?


IX. Identify the speaker/ character:                                                                               2×1=2

1. "But I apply the secret?

2. "Tell the boatman how pleased I'm with him."



I. Find out the clipped words for the following:                                                            3×1=3

1. gymnasium

2. cafeteria

3. exhibition


II. Fill in the blanks with the meanings for the following idioms:                              3×1=3

1. On cloud nine

2. A piece of cake

3. A couch potato


III. Choose the correct conjunction from the options given in brackets:                   3×1=3

1. Rathi found her watch ________ she had left it. ( wherever/where)

2. Everyone likes him ___________ he is very helpful. (because/for)

3. I returned home ____________ the bus had started. (if/after)


IV. Write a sentence for each pattern:                                                                           3×1=3


2. SVC

3. SV

V. Answer any one of the following:                                                                              5×1=5

a) Your school is going to organize an inter-school dance competition. Write a notice for your school notice board inviting all the interested students.                                                                  


b) Sharmila is the in-charge of the cultural committee of GOVT HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL, Tiruttani. She has been asked to notify the students of the school about the inter school singing competition.  Write a notice with relevant details.



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