Synonyms and Antonyms Collection - 11th - XI - Previously asked - Repeated - Government Question Paper
Std. XI
Synonyms & Antonyms Collection
Government Question Paper
1.Absurd - illogical
2.Prosaic - dull
3.Replenish - refill
4.Monotonous - boring
5.Haul - taking a collection
6.Vexation - annoyance
7.Eccentric - weird
8.Lauded - appreciated
9.Fables - stories
10.Antipathy - dislike
11.Endowed - gifted
12.Indignant - angry
13.Bedlam - confusion
14.Seclusion - isolation
15.Quivering - shivering
16.Princely - magnificent
17.Indelibly - permanently
18.Suave - polite
19.Eschewed - to abstain /avoid
20.Vintages - high quality wine
21.Conferred - granted
22 Smothered - suppressed
23.Cloistered - restricted
24.Appetite - hunger
25.Reluctant - unwilling
26.Rectitude - honesty
27.Princely - large
28.Cascade - waterfall
29.Mediocre - ordinary
30.Despondent - frustrated
31.Pallor - paleness
32.Etched - imprinted
33.Sieve - filter
34.Catastrophes - disaster
35. Rebuke - scold
36. Sate - satisfy
37. Hobbled x walked unsteadily
38. Snapped x cut
39. Inherent x inborn
40. Spotless x pure
1.Prosperous × poor
2.Fact × fiction
3.Astuteness × stupidity
4.Ruggedness × weakness
5.Particular × general
6.Secluded × crowded
7.Moist × dry
8.Mediocre × exceptional
9.Traditional × modern
10.Disappeared × appeared
11.Scattering × gather
12.Constantly × inconstantly
13.Vanished × appeared
14.Antipathy × liking
15.Discrepancy × similarity
16.Pondering × forgetting
17.Persuade × Dissuade
18.Vile × pleasant
19.Doleful × joyful.
20.Copious × meagre
21.Electrified × discouraged
22.Cherished × wicked
23.Real × unreal
24.Mental × physical
25.Lauded × condemned
26.Scattered × gathered
27.Individual × collective
28.Audacious × timid
29.Compulsory × optional
30.Monotonous × interesting
31.Serenity × anxiety
32.Abstract × alert / active
33.Endowed × divested
34.Protested × accepted.
35.Unwillingly × gladly
36.Vital × trivial
37.Frivolous × serious
38.Amateur × professional
39.Seldom × often
40.Adulation × discourage
41.Pinned × detached
42. Eccentric x common
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