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6th - VI - Standard - English - II Second Midterm Test Question Paper - Model Question Paper - Samacheer Kalvi


Second Term Final Exam

Class: VI                                                                                                   Time: 2.30 Hrs

Subject: English                                                                                             Marks: 100


I. Choose the correct Synonyms:                                                                                                 5x1=5

1. Passion - _________                

 a) hatred                    b) desire           c) dislike                d) distaste

2. Never-say-die - __________      

a) don’t stop crying   b) don’t stop trying     c) don’t stop playing   d) don’t stop talking

3. Delicious - ___________         

a) tasty                      b) awful             c) tasteless              d) flavourless

4. Frightened - ______________          

a) afraid                     b)bold                c)brave                   d) unafraid

5. Spectacular - ______________          

a) dull                        b) simple            c) eye catching       d) plain

II. Choose the correct Antonyms:                                                                                               5x1=5

1. Murmur x­­­­ ­­­­­­­­_________          a) mutter                b) mumble            c) shout           d) whisper

2. Slowly x ­__________         a) quickly              b) gradually          c) gently          d) steadily

3. Dismiss x _________          a) reject                 b) appoint            c) remove        d) evict

4. General x _________           a) specific              b) common           c) usual            d) ordinary

5. Interesting x _______         a) attractive             b) exciting           c) boring          d) entertaining

III. Answer any FIVE of the following questions:                                                                   5x2=10

1. When did Usha Rani start playing Kabaddi?

2. What did she sell to support her family?

3. Find out the idiom that relates to ‘whatever the circumstances’ from the first paragraph.

4. Where did the boys and girls go?

5. Why did the girl scream?

6. Why did Muthu and his friends step out of the train?

7. Describe the beauty of the blue mountain.

IV. Choose the most appropriate option.                                                                                    4x1=4

1. Merlin was thrilled when the school arranged the trip because ---------

a. Geetha madam arranged the trip   

b. She had heard about the beautiful journey by the toy train

c. She wanted to visit Ooty         d. She loved to go with her friends

2. The teacher asked the children to take their seat because ---------

a. The children had to take their breakfast

b. She wanted to check whether all the children were present

c. The train was about to move    d. The train was about to stop

3. Geetha madam couldn't stop the children running out of the train because they ---------

a. Wanted to relax themselves    b. wanted to see what had happened 

c. were getting bored sitting inside the train.    d. Wanted to enjoy the beauty of nature.

4. The people were making all kinds of sounds because --------

a. They wanted to move the baby elephant out of the track.   b. They were afraid.

c. They were confused.                                             d. Someone stopped the train


I. Answer any THREE of the following questions.                                                                    3x2=6

1. What qualities are needed to play a game?

2. What helps one win the game?

3. How is team spirit created?

4. What does “charges along like troops in a battle” mean? 

5. Why does the child clamber and scramble?

II. Write the Memory poem.                                                                                                                5

From: "Faster.........

To: ....................... plain".


III. Read the lines and answer the questions given below.                                                        4x2=8

1. It's helping your fellowman to score

    When his changes hopeless seem;

    Its forgetting self till the game is o'er

    And fighting for the team.

a) What does 'it' stand for here?

b) Write the rhyme scheme for the above lines.

2. They may sound your praise and call you great,

   They may single you out for fame,

    But you must work with your running mate

    Or you'll never win the game;

a) Whom does 'they' refer to?

b) Which line talks about team spirit?

3. Faster than fairies, faster than switches,

    Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches;

a. What is faster than fairies and witches?

b. Why does the poet mention 'bridges' and houses, hedges and ditches? Where are they?

4. Here is a child who clambers and scrambles,

    All by himself and gathering brambles;

a. Where do you think the child is?

b. What does 'gathering brambles' mean?


SECTION - III (Supplementary)

I. Choose the correct answer.                                                                                                       4x1=4

1."Girls, You are a good team". Which team do the girls belong to?

a. Badminton.             b. Hockey.       c. Relay.          d. Volleyball

2. Springfields is the name of a --------

a. team.                        b. house.          c.   company.   d. school

3. The inter - school sports meet refers to competitions among the ------

a. teams of the same school.   b. schools in the locality.

c. schools in neighborhood.    d. schools from other districts.

4. Seema is Rucha's ---------

a. friend.                      b. teammate.    c. younger sister.         d. opponent.


II. Answer any THREE of the following questions:                                                                  3x2=6

1. How does Rucha differ from her sister?

2.'Springfields has a runner and they call her P.T.Usha' why did they call her so?

3. What words were ringing in Rucha's ears when she was running in the relay?

4. How did Gulliver overcome the adversity?

5. How should one react to adversity?

III. Identify the speaker /character.                                                                                            4x1=4

1. He felt something moving along his body almost up to his chin.

2. They somehow managed to put him on the platform

3. “Hold tight, Vishnu! I will fall”

4. “Girls, you are a good team. You can win!”

IV. True or false.                                                                                                                           4x1=4

1. Springfields is the name of a company.

2. One of the Lilliputians gave a ten minutes talk in Gulliver's language.

3. Gulliver took the small creatures in his hand and crushed them.

4. The horses were four and a half inches tall.


SECTION –IV (Grammar)

I. Write the suitable Adjectives.                                                                                                   4x1=4

1. There is a ------- ground in my school.

2. The tray has ------- vegetables

3. It is a ------- day

4. The girl gave her friend a ------- smile

II. Put the words in correct order and rewrite each sentence.                                                  4x1=4

1. They have a post pox.         (Red, Small, Rectangular)

2. I have sticks.                       (Long, Two, Brown)

3. Find me brushes.                 (New, Five, Yellow)

4. It is a plate                          (Round, Pink, Small)


III. Circle the odd one.                                                                                                                 3x1=3

1. Tiny -           Small, Enormous, Little, Puny.

2. Kind -          Harsh, Concerned, Charitable, Gentle

3. Cheerful -    Bright, Low, Gay, Contented.

IV. Write the shortened form of the following words.                                                              4x1=4

1. Are not - ___________

2. There is - ___________

3. Can not - ___________

4. Will not - ___________

V. Syllabify the following words.                                                                                                 5x1=5

1. Wonderful   2.Behind. 3. Bananas. 4. Excitement.             5 .Snatch.

VI. Read the sentences given below and write the appropriate verb:                                                 4x1=4

1. Children __________ ice-creams. (like/likes)
2. Birds ____________ in the sky. (is flying /are flying)

3. The doctor ___________ the patient. (is treating/are treating)

4. The florist flowers on the street. (sell/sells)


SECTION – V (Writing)

Answer any THREE of the following.                                                                                      3x5=15

1. Imagine that you are the sports captain of your school. Write a formal letter to the sports captain of another school inviting his/ her team for a friendly match. You may choose any sport. Give details of time and place.

2. Develop the following hints into a story and give a suitable title.

         Tortoise - have - forest -tortoise -walks - sees a hare -hare - laughs -Tortoise -speed - tortoise sad -bet-race -Tortoise moves - slow speed - hare moves - fast -asleep - tortoise - reaches winning point- first win the bet.

3. Translate the following proverb into English.

1.அழிப்பது சுலபம் ஆக்குவது கடினம்

2.உண்மையான நண்பனை ஆபத்தில் அறியலாம்.

3.கத்திமுனையை விட பேனா முனை வலிமையானது.

4.இனம் இனத்தோடு சேரும்.

5.வருமுன் காப்பதே சிறந்தது.

4. Imagine you are Rucha and make a diary entry on your feelings about the day’s happening and your victory.

5. Describe the following picture.


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