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7th - VII - Standard - English - Third Midterm Test Question Paper - Model Question Paper - Samacheer Kalvi



Std. – VII                                                                                                    Time: 1.30 Hrs                                                                                              

Sub: English                                                                                               Marks: 50


I. Answer all the questions                                                                                                   6x1=6

Choose the appropriate synonyms for the underlined words:

1. proceeded -              a)moved          b) settle              c) roam

2. gazing -       a) see               b) tackle           c)look steadily

3. hasty -         a)quick            b)idle                c) slow


Choose the appropriate antonyms for the underlined words:

4. calamity   -  a) distress        b)tragedy         c) blessing

5. assaulted – a) attacked        b)defend         c)hit

6. frustration- a) satisfaction   b)annoyance    c) anger


7.   Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings.                                                         3                                               

1. set out - to go somewhere for a short break or holiday

2. pick up - to begin a journey

3. get away - to enter a bus, a train or a plane

4. see off - to leave a bus, a train or a plane

5. get into - to go to the station to say good bye to someone

6. get off - to get someone from a place


8. Find out the anagrams.                                                                                                              2

a)Try to hear -

   Another word for quiet -

b). Another word for gift ­-

     A large snake or a dragon -


II. Answer any THREE of the following questions in a sentence or two.                    3 X 2 = 6

1. Why did the governments of India, America and Pakistan honour Neerja?

2. If you are a flight attendant how will you deal with the hijackers?

3. What was the reaction of the inhabitants?

4. Describe the elephant driver in your own words.

5. Why did the train stop in the middle of the forest?


III. Read the poetic lines and answer any TWO of the following                              2 X 2 = 4

1 And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over

    a)What does the poet want to do after his voyage is over?.

2. And the wheel’s kick and the winds song and the white sail’s shaking

    a)What according to the poet are the pleasures of sailing?

3. And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying

    a)Why does the poet ask for a windy day?

 IV.  Answer all the question:

1. Rewrite the story in the past tense.                                                                                      2

The boy chases a cat. The cat climbs up the tree and purrs from the branch of the

tree. The cat jumps to another tree. The boy who is chasing the cat notices a snake under

the tree. He leaves his attempt to catch the cat and he runs home screaming for help.


2. Complete the sentences in reported speech.                                                                   2x1=2

 a)“I will pay tomorrow.” He said that he would pay ......................................

 b)“The Himalayas are the highest mountain ranges.” He knew that the Himalayas

................ the highest mountain ranges.


V. Answer any two of the following question:                                                          2 X 5 =10

1. What qualities of Mr. Phileas Fogg are highlighted in this extract?

Support your answer with suitable examples.

2. If you are a flight attendant how will you deal with the hijackers?

3. Why did the governments of India, America and Pakistan honour Neerja?


VI. Answer any one of the following question:                                                          1 X 5 =5

1. Describe the island that the ship’s crew found.

2. Did Sindbad the porter enjoy his meeting with Sindbad the sailor? Why?


VII. Quote from memory.                                                                                                      5

              I must go........

                ............... running tide

VIII. Punctuate the following:                                                                                             5X1=5

1. the woman said to the student please help me cross the street

2. sarathy said oh how thrilling it was

3. the teacher said to the students where do you want to go

4. i am tired mohana said to her aunt

5. shankar said to his teacher madam i had prepared my project assignment but i

forgot to bring it.




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