6th Std. - English - III Third Mid term Test - Question Paper - Term II -Model Question Paper -2 - Samacheer Kalvi
Third Midterm Test
Sub: English Time: 1.30 Hours
Marks: 50
I. Choose the
correct synonym of the given word (3x1=3)
1. Soaked –
a) Wet b) Dry c) choked d) Sold
2. Gratitude –
a) Thankful b)
Grazing c) Graduate d) Attitude
3. Meagre –
a) Multiple b) Meaningful c)
Small quantity d) Measles
II. Choose the
correct antonym of the given word (3x1=3)
1. Parched X
a) Wet b) Dry c) choked d) Sold
2. Desperation X
a) Hopeful b)
Hopeless c) Distance d) Destination
3. Cosy X
a) Continuously b)
Costly c) Uncomfortable d) Comfortable
III. Choose the
correct answer (3x1=3)
1. The little bird broadened the hole with her ___________ (beak / claws)
2. The wild boar settled down scraping the hole into a ________ to
have a
good sleep. (pit / hollow)
3. The poor farmer’s crop was _________ (meagre / surplus)
IV. Identify the
character/speaker. (3x1=3)
1. “Why isn’t the snake coming?”.
2. “I wonder whether it’s a cyclone.”
3. “I want to see kutti oppu.”
V. Answer briefly
for any two following questions (Prose)
1. Why did the farmer have to travel far?
2. What sight made the farmer thankful?
3. Why did the crowd gather by the side of the pond?
VI. Answer briefly
for any two following questions (Poem) (2x2=4)
1. What made the sage upset?
2. What does the summer bring?
3. What solution did he arrive at for the
mystery that he found?
VII. Answer briefly
for any two following questions (Supplementary) (2x2=4)
1. Who was the important person in the
Ambazhathel family?
2. How would the days be without her?
3. Describe her appearance and qualities.
VIII. Quote from memory (5x1=5)
………. change
IX. Read the
following lines and answer the questions that follow. (3x1=3)
Spring is pretty
but short and sweet
when you can smell the grass
from your garden seat
a. How does the poet describe the spring
b. Which line tells you that the garden is
c. Who does ‘you’ refer to?
X. Choose
appropriate conjunctions for the blanks (3x1=3)
1. Latha learnt well ______ wrote the exam. (but / because / and)
2. She has fever ______ she wrote the exam. (but / and / or)
3. Ravi was tired ______ he slept early. (so / because / and)
XI. Identify whether
it is phrase or clause (3x1=3)
1. The girl sang melodiously in the ceremony.
2. On Sunday in my home.
3. The child played happily in the park.
XII. State whether
it is simple sentence or not a simple sentence (3x1=3)
1. It rained heavily.
2. As I was suffering from fever, I was unable to attend the class.
3. He is my best friend and we play together.
XIII. Rearrange the
words to make a meaningful sentence (1 mark)
Friend / My / Is / Raja / Best
XIV. Write a letter
to your friend sharing about the annual day celebration
of your school (5 marks)
XV. Read the
following passage and answer the following questions (3x1=3)
This is weather forecast from news channel 7.
We could not ask for a better day for the first day spring. Right now it is 15
degree Celsius and clear we are expecting the blue skies throughout the day,
though there is only a 10 % of showers. This good weather can’t last forever.
It is raining cats and dogs up North. So we should see rain by morning. Don’t
forget your umbrella tomorrow.
1. Mention the name of the channel.
2. What is the percentage of showers?
3. What should not we forget during rainy season?
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