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6th - VI - Standard - English - III Third Midterm Test Question Paper - Model Question Paper - 1 - Samacheer Kalvi



STD         : VI                                                                                                                     TIME: 1.30 HOURS

SUBJECT: ENGLISH                                                                                                       MARKS: 50     

Section-I (Prose)

I. Choose the correct synonyms of the words from the given option:                                           3x1=3

1.  Parched - _________               a) soaked                      b) wet                  c) very dry

2.  Meagre - _________               a) small quantity           b) sufficient      c) maximum

3. Blur - _________                      a) clear                         b) unclear              c) bright

II. Choose the correct antonyms of the words from the given option:                       3×1=3

1. Cosy × _________                      a) comfy                          b) uncomfortable      c) comfortable

2. Shady × _________                    a) sunny                      b) shelter                   c) shadow

3. Panic × _________                     a) nervous                   b) fear                        c) calm

III. Answer any THREE of the following questions briefly:                                        3x2=6

 1. What sight made the farmer thankful?

2. Name the tools the farmer brought out. What did he do with them?

3. When did the richest farmer get upset? Why?

4.  Why did the family move to Patna?

IV. Choose the correct answer:                                                                                                                              3×1=3

1. The little bird broadened the hole with her
a) beak                 b) claws                      c) feathers

2. The boar slept until the fading sun told him it was time to get up. What does the phrase until the fading sun mean?
a) until evening               b) until sun fades in colour                  c) until morning

3. The dry earth soaked up the moisture as a hungry puppy laps UP milk. It means
a) The puppy was very hungry              b) The dry earth absorbed the water very quickly  

c) The dry earth absorbed the water slowly


V. Memory Poem                                                                                                            5

From  “Summer …………..,

To ………………. change”              

VI. Answer any THREE of the following questions:                                                                          3x2=6

1. Name the seasons mentioned in the poem?

2. Which word refers to ‘rain’?

3. Why does the poet say the ‘Spring is pretty’?

4. Spring is pretty
but short and sweet
when you can smell the grass
from your garden seat

a. How does the poet describe the spring season?

b. Which line tells you that the garden is fresh?


VII. Answer any THREE of the following questions briefly:                                      3x2=6

1. Who was the important person in the Ambazhathel family?

2. How did she spend her time?

3. How would the days be without her?

4.  Why was she considered an important person?

VIII. Identify the speaker/ character:                                                                             3x1=3        

1. “Why isn’t the snake coming?”

2. “I want to see kutti oppu.”

3. “Is she crazy?”

Section-III (Grammar)

I. Choose the correct options and fill in the blanks:                                                                             4x1=4

( because, but, so, or, and)

1. She slipped badly __________ she did not hurt herself.

2. Rani was late to school __________ she missed the bus.

3. It rained heavily __________ the match continued.

4. The box was heavy __________ he could not lift it.


II. Complete the following using their group names:                                                          3x1=3        

1 . A __________ of wolves went hunting in the forest.

2. She bought a new __________ of shoes for her birthday.

3. I ate a __________ of grapes.

III. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with suitable words:                              3x1=3        

1. The car was moving too _______.Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Prose 2 That Sunday Morning 4    

2. Joanna did her classwork _______Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Prose 2 That Sunday Morning 6
3. Paul _______ plays cricket with his friends.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Prose 2 That Sunday Morning 8


Answer any ONE of the following:   5

1. Paragraph writing:

Write a short paragraph on Summer using the hints given:

I live in ……………

The weather is …………

Clothes we wear ………..

What we like to eat and drink ………..

Places we like to visit ……………

What we like to do ………..


Read the following poem and answer the questions given below:

The First Day of School
I’ve got a brand-new lunchbox.
My shoes are shiny clean.
I’ve got a cool, new book bag
And a pencil box that’s green.
But I don’t know my teacher,
Or where my desk will be.
I don’t know if I’ll like the kids,
Or if they’ll play with me.
I peep inside my classroom.
I stand there for a while.
My teacher’s tall and kind of loud,
But has a great big smile.
And, best of all, she’s got my
Favorite book upon the shelf!
I kiss my mother at the door
And walk in by myself.

1) The child’s shoes are_____________________
a) dirty                   b) clean                  c) comfortable                     d) fancy

2) The child has got a pencil box which is____________
a) red                      b) green  c) yellow                                d) pink

3) Find the opposite of the word ‘short’ from the poem.

4) What did the child like about the teacher?

5) __________ came to drop the child at the school.
a) father b) grandmother       c) teacher        d) mother



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