6th Std. - English - First Mid term Test - Question Paper - Term I -Model Question Paper -3 - Samacheer Kalvi
First Mid Term Test
Class: VI Time: 1.30 Hrs
Subject: English
Marks: 50
I. Choose the correct Synonyms: 4×1=4
1. slash -
a) copy b) paste
c) open d) cut
2. survive -
a) continue to live b) continue to sleep c) continue to work d) continue to talk
3. spectacular-
a) eye-catching b) ugly c) dull
d) unpleasant
4. protested
a) co-operated b) accepted c) agreed
d) opposed
II. Choose the correct Antonyms: 4×1=4
1. Pleasant x _________
perfect b) dull c) joyful d) enjoyable
2. Interesting x _________
a) boring
b) pleasurable c) happy
d) blissful
3. Fertile x _________
a) greenery b) wet
c) able to produce d) infertile
4. Common x ___________
a) general
b) usual c) unique d) regular
III. Answer any three of the following questions: 3×2=6
1. Why do we need trees? List out the reasons
that the grandfather gives.
2. When did the garden become a happy place
for the author?
3. Why did the author leave the town?
What made the grandfather plant saplings on the rocky island?
IV. Answer any three
of the following questions:
How cheerful he seems to grin.
Who does ‘he’ refer to?
How does the crocodile’s tail look?
3. What
does the teak tree give us?
4. How
does the coconut tree grow?
V. Fill in the blanks
with the suitable answers: 4×1=4
The ________ is a biological relative of tortoises.
a) sea turtle b) fish c)
2. Grandmother had wanted the peepul tree cut down because of
a) she did not like trees. b) she
wanted to grow flowers.
c) it was knocking down the bricks of the
3. The baby hippo was named after the ___________.
a) Rescuer b)
Tsunami c) Storm
4. Sea turtles come to the shore to _______________.
a) visit their birthplace b) lay eggs c) go back
to sea
VII. Quote from the
memory poem "Trees": 5
The Banyan ..................
.................... shade,
VIII. Read the passage and answer the following questions: 3×1=3
Owen was taken to a wild life sanctuary.
Everyone thought he could be well looked after there. But Owen was not happy at
all. He was tired and very frightened. As soon as he reached the sanctuary, he
saw a large greyish tortoise. It looked a bit like his mother. He ran to the
creature and hid behind it, just like a baby hippo would hide behind its
mother. The animal he chose was a 130-year old tortoise called Mzee. Mzee was
very surprised by Owen. But he let Owen cuddle close to him. Soon the two
became friends.
1. Why was Owen taken to the wild life
2. Why did Owen hide behind Mzee?
3. Who is Mzee?
I. Match the subject
with the appropriate predicate: 3×1=3
1. Sea turtles - threaten the survival of sea
2. Hatchlings - uses its front flippers to swim.
3. A turtle - come ashore to lay eggs.
4. Many factors -
cut open the leathery egg shell.
II. Choose the
correct option and fill in the blanks: 4×1=4
1.__________ a
beautiful flower!
a) How b) Wow c)
What d) Hurrah
2. _________ play
a) You can b) Can you c) Have you d) You could
3. __________ did
you go yesterday?
a) Which b) Where c) What d)
4.___________ us
go for a walk.
a) Shall b) May c) Let d) Can
III. Change the following statements
into questions: 3×1=3
Ritu will come tomorrow.
He is a clever boy.
There was a forest on the island.
IV. Change the
following questions into statements: 3×1=3
Are you a student?
Don’t the eat?
V. Answer any ONE
of the following: 5×1=5
Write a letter to your class teacher asking leave for one day.
Describe the picture in about fifty words and
give a suitable title. Make use of words/phrases given below.
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