Respond to the following advertisement considering yourself fulfilling the conditions specified (Write XXXX for your name and YYYY for your address): Wanted Wanted female receptionist Graduate with fluency in English and computer knowledge. Apply with bio-data to Box No. 23, C/o The Hindu, Chennai - 600 002 From XXX, YYY. 30 September, 2022. To Box No. 9934, C/o. The Hindu, Chennai - 600 002. Sir, Sub : Application for the post of receptionist - Reg. Ref : Your advertisement in The Hindu, dated 25.09.2022 I saw your advertisement in 'The Hindu' and I wish to apply for it. I have the necessary qualification. If I am appointed, I will work to your entire satisfaction. I have attached my bio-data for your kind perusal. Thanking you, Yours truly, XXXX. Bio-Data Name : XXXX Father's Name ...
A virtual English learning mate for the learners of curriculum like CBSE, Samacheer Kalvi, ICSE