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Independence Day Speech - 2022


Independence Day Speech - 2022

Good morning to all dignitaries..

Independence was the word of every Indian before August 15th of 1947. They yearned for the privilege of self-governance. India, being a nation with enormous wealth, was plundered by the foreign rulers. As a consequence of the unbearable agony borne by the numerous people, a great agitation emerged. They stood up against oppression. They were even ready to risk their lives and many lost it. Their only motive is to ensure the upcoming generation to breathe the air of freedom. Leaders like Gandhi, Nehru and Subash Chandra Bose led the masses in the fight against the colonial rulers. Our history of freedom struggle is written with the sweat and blood of countless freedom fighters. Relentless efforts of selfless leaders made the dream into reality. Midnight of August 15, 1947 marked the day of glory restored. The life of slavery came to an end.  The day witnessed the birth of new India, that is, a free India.

We celebrate the 75th year of Independence today. Now, India has reached the pinnacle in various fields. India has made records and set benchmarks to its credit at all levels. Our country has flourished into a role model to other countries of the world. It is second to none in the arena of business, sports, technology etc. Our country is said to be a youngest nation with boundless workforce which has the potential to make our nation a superpower. Having all these in mind, On this day, we have a solid and relevant question before us.

 Are we truly independent? 

Our national leaders and uncountable people laid down their lives for the sake of us. But, we make us dependent or I could even say, willfully dependent to many evils like caste, religion etc. These evils are detrimental to our life of brotherhood and even a threat to our mere existence.  Despite having great resources at hand and imminent eminence in the world stage, we lay entangled in the web of social evils which are apparently a nightmare to the very fabric of democracy. Our nation is well known for its philosophy “Unity in Diversity”. This phrase denotes that we accept the differences among us and still we stand united. Nowadays, violence and murders happen for the sake of religion and other such factors. Here, we must remember a proverb,

 “United we live, divided we fall”

We, as students, can be an initiative to sow the seeds of love and brotherhood. We may instigate this from our classroom and share our love and concern to our fellow students. This tender age has the determined mind to stand by the principle of humanity. Let us drive the hatred among us and we shall re-dedicate ourselves to the spirit of unity. The soul of stalwart of the freedom struggle will rejoice in dissemination of love among the Indians.  This will be a fitting tribute to the sacrifice of freedom fighters who were resolved to build our Nation till their last breath. Dear students, it is our task to hold the baton to strive our society in the path of success, all inclusive development and peace.

Jai Hind!


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