The Night the Ghost Got in - Standard 10 - Unit-2 - Minimum Levels of Learning - Easy and Simple answer - Samacheer Kalvi
Unit - 2 Prose
The Night the Ghost Got in
I. Answer the following questions
1. Where was the author when he heard the noise?
The author was in the bathroom.
The narrator thought it was his father or his brother Roy. Later, he thought it was a burglar of a ghost.
They heard the footsteps circling the dining room table
Mr. Bodwell and his wife were the narrator’s neighbours.
There was a burglar in their house.
7. What was the grandfather wearing?
The grandfather was wearing a nightgown and woollen pants, a nightcap and a leather jacket.
The grandfather thought they were the deserters from General Meade’s army.
9. Were the policemen willing to leave the house?
No, the policemen were not willing to leave.
11. Why was the narrator sorry to have paid attention to the footsteps?
The author's imagination of considering his information as ghost.
12. Why did Herman and the author slam the doors?
They slammed the door because of their fear of ghost.
13. What woke up the mother?
The slamming of the doors woke up the mother.
14. What do you understand by the mother’s act of throwing the shoe?
The mother took the risk of throwing the shoe to make the neighbour call the police.
15. Why do you think Mrs. Bodwell wanted to sell the house?
Mrs. Bodwell was disturbed often so she wanted to go back to Peoria.
16. How did the cops manage to enter the locked house?
The cops broke the front door.
17. Why was the policeman prevented from entering the grandfather’s room?
The grandfather mistook the police as General Meade's men who were retreating.
18. Who used the zither and how?
Zither was used by the guinea pig to sleep on it.
19. Mention the events that the grandfather imagined?
The grandfather mistook the police as General Meade's men who were retreating.
II. Paragraph Answer
The author was in the bathroom. They heard the footsteps circling the dining room table. The narrator thought it was his father or his brother Roy. Later, he thought it was a burglar of a ghost. The mother took the risk of throwing the shoe to make the neighbour call the police. The cops broke the front door. The grandfather mistook the police as General Meade's men and he harmed them. Next morning, the grandfather told that he only came to the dining room for previous night.
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