His First Flight (Prose) - standard 10th - English - Minimum Levels of Learning - Easy and simple - Samacheer Kalvi
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First Flight (Prose)
Answer the following briefly.
1. Why
did the seagull fail to fly?
The seagull was afraid to fly.
2. What
did the parents do when the young seagull failed to fly?
His parents scolded and threatened
to let him starve.
3. What
was the first catch of the young seagull’s older brother?
4. What
did the young seagull manage to find in his search for food on the ledge?
The young seagull managed to find dried
pieces of mackerel’s tail and eggshell.
5. What
did the young bird do to seek the attention of his parents?
The young bird pretended to fall asleep
and uttered a low cackle.
6. What
made the young seagull go mad?
The young seagull was hungry
and the sight of food made the young
seagull go mad.
7. Why
did the young bird utter a joyful scream?
The young bird saw a piece of fish
in the beak of his mother.
8. Did
the mother bird offer any food to the young bird?
9. How
did the bird feel when it started flying for the first time?
first, monstrous terror seized him.
Later, he uttered a joyful scream.
10. What
did the young bird’s family do when he started flying?
His mother swooped past him and father flew over him. His brothers and sister were flying around
11. How
was the young seagull’s first attempt to fly?
The young seagull was afraid to fly
and failed to muster up courage.
12. How
did the parents support and encourage the young seagull’s brothers and sister?
The parents helped them in the perfect
art of flying. They taught them to skim
and surf the waves and dive for
13. Give
an instance that shows the pathetic condition of “the young bird”?
The young seagull was afraid to fly
and failed to muster up courage. So
he stayed in nest without food.
14. How
did the bird try to reach its parents without having to fly?
He walked back and forth but
he could not reach them without flying.
15. Do
you think that the young seagull’s parents were harsh to him? Why?
No, they trained him to fly.
16. What
prompted the young seagull to fly finally?
The sight of food maddened him and
he dived at the fish.
17. What
happened to the seagull when it landed on the green sea?
His belly touched the water
and he was floating on it.
II. Paragraph Answer
the struggles underwent by the young seagull to overcome its fear of flying.
The young seagull was
alone on the ledge. The seagull was afraid
to fly. His parents scolded and
threatened to let him starve. The young bird pretended to fall asleep and uttered a low cackle. The young bird
saw a piece of fish in the beak of
his mother. The sight of food
maddened him and he dived at the fish. At first, monstrous terror seized
him. Later, he uttered a joyful scream.
His mother swooped past him and father flew over him. His brothers and sister were flying around
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