Special Hero
I. Answer the following questions.
1. Who is the speaker?
The poet, Christina M Kerschen, is the speaker.
2. Who is the special hero mentioned in the poem?
The child's father is the special hero.
3. How did the child feel when it was hold by its dad?
The child felt the love and tenderness when it was hold by its dad. It also felt safe.
Seems it was sent to me
From someplace up above.
4. What do the above lines mean?
The child feels that the father is sent by God.
5. What did the child want to tell its dad?
The child wanted to tell its dad that he is a special hero.
6. "There is something special about a father's love".
Identify the alliteration in the given lines.
Something-special is the alliteration in the given line.
2. Pick out the rhyming words from the poem.
arms-eyes, see-me, love-above, and hero-so are the rhyming words in the poem.
II. Answer in a paragraph
Write a paragraph on the father’s love as described in the poem.
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