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XI Standard(+1) English - Previously asked questions - Unit 4,5 - Samacheer Kalvi

 Unit - 4


Tight Corners


Indelible – cannot be rubbed out or removed

Nonchalantly  – unconcernedly, coolly

Pondering – think

Congealed  – thickened as if frozen

smothered  – suppressed




Indelible x delible

Rustle x whisper

Humiliation x flattery

Non chalantly x desperately

Congealed x diluted

 Rectitude x dishonesty

Persuaded x dissuaded

Guile x honesty

Weird x normal

Short Answers

1. What is the difference between a physical and mental tight corner?

2. Why did the narrator feel he could have welcomed a firing party?

3. What did the falling of the hammer indicate?

4. What made the friend laugh heartily?

5.  What was the narrator’s financial condition?

6. Why did the narrator visit Christie’s? 

7.  What was the bidder’s offer to the narrator?


Poem – 4

Macavity – The Mystery Cat

 Read the given lines and answer the questions that follow. 

1. Macavity’s a Mystery Cat: he’s called the Hidden Paw…

a) Does the poet talk about a real cat?

b) Why is he called the Hidden Paw?

c) Who does ‘he’ refer to?


2. For he’s a fiend in feline shape, a monster of depravity.

a) How is the cat described in this line?

b) Explain the phrase ‘monster of depravity’.


3. He’s the bafflement of Scotland Yard, the Flying Squad’s despair:

    For when they reach the scene of crime — Macavity’s not there!..

a) What is ‘Scotland Yard’?

b) Why does the flying squad feel disappointed?


 Explain the following lines with reference to the context. 

His powers of levitation would make a fakir stare


 Unit - 5

Prose – 5

Convocation Address 


Cloistered – restricted

Endowed –gifted / awarded

Prosperous - successful

conferred – granted a title, degree, benefit, or right



Inherent x extrinsic

Lustre x dullness

Enunciate x babble

Suave x impolite

Torpedoed x saved

Ruggedness x weakness

 Secluded x occupied


Short Answers

1. How can a graduate give back to his/ her society?

2. In what ways have universities improved the society?

3. What should the youngsters aim in life after their graduation?

4.  What was the role of scholars and poets in olden days? 


Poem -5

Everest is not the Only Peak

 Read the given lines and answer the questions that follow. 

1. Defeat we repel, courage our fort;

a. How do we react to defeat?

b. Which is considered as our stronghold?


2.We are proud of the position we hold; humble as we are,

a. What is the speaker proud of?

b. How is the speaker both humble and proud?

c. Pick out the alliteration in these lines.


3. We are proud of the position we hold; humble as we are,

a.What is the speaker proud of?

b. How is the speaker both humble and proud?

c.Pick out the alliteration in these lines.


Explain the following lines with reference to the context. 

1. We deem it our duty and mission in life,

     To bless and praise the deserving ones;

2. Honour is a property, common to all:

3. Defeat we repel, courage our fort;

4. Every hillock has a summit to boast


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