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Trip to Ooty - 6th Std - Term 2 - Unit - 2 - Prose - - Answers - Samacheer Kalvi

Term - 2

Unit - 2

Trip to Ooty (Prose)

I. Synonyms

1. Mesh - Material made of a network of wire or thread

2. Swaying - Moving slowly or rhythmically

3. Snaking - Moving like a snake

4. Sniggered - Laughed in a half suppressed way

5. Clinging - Fitting closely to the body

6. Scream - Cry in a high pitch

7. Snatch - Quickly seize (someone) in a rude or eager way

8. Entranced - Filled (someone) with wonder and delight, holding their entire attention

9. Thud - A dull sound, as that of a heavy object striking a solid surface

10. Trumpeting - Making a loud noise

11. Chugging - Move slowly making regular muffled sounds, as of an engine running slowly

12. Coax - Persuade (someone) gently to do something

13. Murmur - To make a low, continuous, indistinct sound; grumble

II. Antonyms

1. Slowly x quickly

2. Different x same

3. Outside x inside

4. Excited x unexcited

5. Whole x part

III. Answer the following questions

1. Where did the boys and girls go?

The boys and girls from class six went to Ooty.

2. Why did Muthu say that he could walk along its side?


The train was moving very slowly. So Muthu said that he could walk along its side.

 3. Why did the girls snigger?


The teacher asked Muthu in a firm voice to go back to his seat at once. So the girls sniggered

4. Why did the girl scream?


A monkey tried to snatch a banana that a girl had in her hand. So she screamed.

5. Why did Muthu and his friends step out of the train?


Muthu and his friends stepped out of the train to know why the train stopped suddenly.

6. Describe the beauty of the blue mountain?


The scene outside was beautiful with the purple-blue mountains. They formed a lovely backdrop to the green fields and tea estates.

7. What made the trip a memorable one?


The baby elephant sitting on the track was coaxed by the engine driver but it did not move. Muthu went up to the baby with a bunch of bananas. It moved to eat it. But Muthu moved backward. Now the baby elephant was out of the track. This event made the trip a memorable one.

8. What does the phrase ‘presence of mind’ mean? Explain the phrase using Muthu’s action.


The phrase ‘presence of mind’ means that the ability to take the right action at the time of critical moment. Muthu with his ‘presence of mind’ made the baby elephant get out of the track.

9. What is the difference between this toy train and a normal train?


A normal train rushes very fast and so we do not enjoy the scenery and the landscape. The toy train moves very slowly. So we are able to notice the wide, wind-swept tea estates, cloud-covered mountains, or the swaying trees.

IV. Paragraph

Write the story in your own words.

    The boys and girls from class six went to Ooty. The class teacher Geetha madam and two others took them. The scene outside was beautiful with the purple-blue mountains. Merlin and Fatima sat together.  The train was moving very slowly. So Muthu said that he could walk along its side. The teacher asked Muthu in a firm voice to go back to his seat at once and the girls sniggered.  The train stopped suddenly. Muthu and his friends stepped out of the train to know why the train stopped suddenly. The baby elephant sitting on the track was coaxed by the engine driver but it did not move. Muthu went up to the baby with a bunch of bananas. It moved to eat it. But Muthu moved backward. Now the baby elephant was out of the track. This event made the trip a memorable one.


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