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Story Telling - Moral Story - “Greedy Merchant and Compassionate Farmer”


“Greedy Merchant and Compassionate Farmer”

Here I am Levona in front of you to narrate a story on the necessity of compassion and humanity which is much relevant in these days when people are filled self-centered mindset.

Once there lived a man who was a small trader in a country. He was poor and did not have anything of his own. Over the years, he worked hard and managed to be one of the wealthiest merchants in his country .Since he was a miser he never helped any poor people in all his life. He used to scold anyone who comes for alms at his door. One day, a poor farmer came to his house asking some money to treat his sick son. The merchant said why are you bothering me for money. Don’t you people have something else to do Instead of wasting my time?? The poor farmer in tears told ‘I had everything that I wanted in my life, a house a caring wife and a lovely child. My family was happy until a disease came upon my wife and child. My wife died and all I have is my son, please help me' the farmer pleaded. ‘That was an incredible story' said the merchant ‘may be, you can become a famous author with your stories'. Sir! Please help me out today and you will be surely blessed. I will pay you the money in 5 months. Without listening, the merchant drove him away saying that he won’t give money without any valuable as mortgage. But the farmer did not have any such thing as he was poor. The farmer went away sadly. Unfortunately, his son died without proper treatment. Days went by. The merchant had a daughter. One day she was playing with a ball in a park. When she was searching her ball, a snake bit her in her leg. The girl fell down unconscious. The farmer who came that way saw the girl lying down. He understood that she was bitten by a snake. The farmer gave some first aid and rushed her to hospital. He also informed the merchant about the incident. The doctor told the merchant that the girl was saved as she was brought to hospital at the right time. The merchant told the farmer if you were not in the park today I don’t know what would have happened to my daughter. Thank you so much and I am so sorry about the way I behaved to you. I really feel sorry for my unkind behaviour. I will give you the money which you asked for that day. The farmer said, ”Sir, my son and my wife had died and what shall I do with these wages? “I am sorry for your loss it was my fault if I had given you the money your son would have be saved” said the merchant and added “That is the past now use your wealth for the poor”.

Now, let me share the moral we understand from this story. Living with humanity is the sole purpose of being a human.

It is worth reminding the verse from the Bible, “Stop storing up treasures for yourselves on earth. Instead, store up treasures for yourself in heaven”.

Thank you all for this wonderful opportunity…



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