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When the Trees Walked(Prose) - 6th Standard - Synonyms, Antonyms, Short answers - Samacheer Kalvi


When the Trees Walked

I. Synonyms

1. Fertile   - able to produce a lot of plants or crops.

2. Abandoned  - left without care.

3. Vigorous   -healthy and strong

4. Protested   - opposed or disagreed.

5. Nightmare   - a frightening dream.

6. Interfering   - stopping.

7. Rambling - wandering.

8. Sprout - when seeds begin to grow small plants.

9. Spectacular - eye-catching.

10. Beckoned - to signal (someone) with your hand to ask the person to come closer or follow.

II. Antonyms

1. Natural x artificial

2. Strong x weak

3. Wild x domestic

4. Several x few

5. Dry x wet

6. Constantly x occassionally

7. Falling x rising

8. Warm x cool

9. Happy x unhappy

10. Soft x hard

III. Answer the following questions

1. When did the garden become a happy place for the author?

The garden became a happy place for the author after the grandfather joined him.


2. What are the two reasons the author gives for the plants moving towards grandfather?

Plants need light and warmth and the other reason is that it wanted to be near grandfather.


3. Why does the writer think that the peepul tree is a great show off?

Peepul trees are great show off because even when there is no breeze, the broad-chested, slim-waisted leaves will spin like tops determined to attract our attention and invite us into the shade.


4. Why do we need trees? List four reasons that Grandfather gives.

We need trees

v  to keep the desert away, to attract rain,

v  to prevent the banks of rivers from being washed away,

v  for fruit and flowers, leaf and seed,

v  for timber.


5. Why did the author help his Grandfather plant trees?

                The thought of a world without trees became a sort of nightmare to the author so he helped grandfather to plant trees.


6. What made Grandfather plant saplings on the rocky island?

                A small mango tree was growing on the rocky island and this made the grandfather to plant saplings there.


7. What did Grandmother feel about trees growing in the house?

The grandmother felt that growing trees in the house is like having the roof brought down by the jungle.


8. Why did the author leave town?

The Second World War started so the author left the town.


9. How did Grandfather’s dream come true?

The trees which was planted long ago had multiplied and become a shelter to many living beings. So grandfather’s dream had come true.


10. Describe what the author saw when he went back to the island.

                The author went back to island, he saw that the island had become a small green paradise. He saw red blooms of the coral blossom. He also noticed squirrels and koel.


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