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12th - XII - Standard - English - Second Midterm Test Question Paper - Model Question Paper - Samacheer Kalvi



(Portion - Unit 5, 6)

Second Midterm Test

Std: XII                                                                                                                    Time: 2.00 Hours

Sub: English                                                                                                            Marks: 50

I. Answer all the questions                                                                                     10 X 1 = 10

Choose the appropriate synonyms of the underlined words in the following sentences.

1.He was filled with insolence in his attitude.

a)  lethargic                  b) kind                         c) rudeness                  d) calmness

2.  The scientist expounded his new theory.

a)  bent                         b) explained                c) dropped                   d) raised

3.  Not more than 100 students could be accommodated in the hall.

a)  debatable                  b) accepted                 c) believed                   d) fit in

Choose the most appropriate antonyms of the underlined words in the following sentences.

4. Maamanaar was unmatched.

a)  increased                 b) hightened                c) reduced                   d) inferior

5.  Fortuitously, a guest visited our house.                                                                                      

a. hated                               b) liked                       c) unfortunately                 d) defeated

6.  In the week which followed we saw then frequently.

a)  often           b) regularly                  c) seldom                     d) happily

7.Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation ‘RTE’.

a)  Right To Entertainment                              b) Right To Empathy

c) Right To Emancipation                               d) Right To Education

8.      Fill in the blank with the suitable article.

He is ________ Ramanujam of our school.

a)  an                            b) a                              c) the                           d) No article

9.      Fill in the blank by choosing the correct preposition.

The company has filed a complaint____ the supervisor.

a)  against                     b) into                          c) above                       d) on

10.  Choose the correct question tag.  I presented him a watch, ______?

a)  Did I                       b) Didn’t I                   c) Don’t I                    d) Do I


II. Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer any two sets.                          2 X 2 = 4

1.   “Life is hard; be steel; be a rock.”

 a) How should one face life? b)  Identify the figure of speech in the above line.

2.    Tell him solitude is creative if he is strong 

   and the final decisions are made in silent rooms”

a) Can being in solitude help a strong human being? How? b) Identify the figure of speech

3.    Legs wide, arms locked behind,

   As if to balance the prone brow

  Oppressive with its mind.

 a) What is meant by prone brow? b) What is his state of mind?

4.    ‘You’re wounded!’

  ‘Nay’, his soldier’s pride

   Touched to the quick, he said:

a) Why did the boy contradict Napoleon’s words? b) Why was his pride touched?


III. Explain the following with reference to the context.                                                   2x3=6

1.    ‘I’m killed, Sire!’ And, his Chief beside,

   Smiling, the boy fell dead.

   2.    Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed

 IV. Answer any one of following in a paragraph of 150 words.                                     1 X 5 = 5

    a) The young soldier matched his emperor in courage and patriotism. Elucidate your answer.


   b)  Explain how the poet guides his son who is at the threshold of manhood.


V. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 30 words.                    2x3=6

1.  Why should individual liberty be curtailed?

2.  How would ‘liberty’ cause universal chaos?

What was offered to Maamanaar by their mother?

VI. Answer any one of following in a paragraph of 150 words.                                       1 X 5 = 5

     What do you infer from Gardiner’s essay ‘On the rule of the Road'?


 Why does the maamanar give away the chair to the people’s usage?


VII. Answer any one of following in a paragraph of 150 words.                                       1 X 5 = 5

      “Remember Caesar” is a light hearted comedy. Discuss


        What is the conflict between Margot and the other children in the story, “All Summer in a day”?


VII. Do as directed. Answer any two of the following questions                                      (2 X 2 = 4)

1. Malathi said to Sathya, “I have been waiting for you since morning” (into indirect Speech)

2. Why have you selected this car? (into passive voice)

3.   Owing to recent flood, many people have lost their livelihood. (into compound sentence)

VIII. Write an application letter considering you qualified for the post of computer operator in a MNC Company. Attach a resume.     (1 X 5 = 5)



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