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10th - X - Standard - English - Second Midterm Test Question Paper - Model Question Paper - Samacheer Kalvi

 (Portion - Units 5,6)

Second Midterm Test 

Std: X                                                                                                    Time: 2.00 Hours

Sub: English                                                                                         Marks: 50

I. Answer all the questions:

 Choose the appropriate synonyms for the underlined words.                   7 X 1 = 7

1.  The birds were chirping at the edge of the woods.

a)  low pitch sound           b) high pitch sound c) suppressing                d) concealing

2.  We can look forward to an inclusive way of learning instead of cloistered existence.

a)   enclosed                      b) free                          c) exposed                   d) opened

Choose the appropriate antonyms for the underlined words.

3.  India’s disabled are deprived by attitudinal barriers.

a)   admittance                  b) restriction                c) condition                 d) regulation

4.  I hardly knew how to write French.

a)   scarcely                       b) completely              c) lightly                      d) secondly

5.  Choose the correct plural form of knife from the given options.

a)   knifes                          b) knife                        c) knives                      d) knifices

6.  Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation ‘CCTV’.

a)   Closed Civil Television                                   b) Charged Channel Television

c) Channel Circuit Television                              d) Closed Circuit Television

7.  Choose the most appropriate linker from the given four alternatives.

You will not improve ______ you practice regularly.

a)  otherwise                        b) though                     c) in case                     d) unless


II. Answer any TWO of the following questions in a sentence or two.         2 X 2 = 4

8.   How does Kim help Alisha ?

9.   Name a few Indian innovations which are helpful to the disabled people.

  10. What was Franz asked to tell? Was he able to answer?


III. Read the sets of poetic lines and answer any THREE of the following.    3 X 2 = 6

   11. They, too, aware of sun and air and water,

Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv’d

a)  What is commom for all of us?     b) Mention the season referred to here.

   12. Their hands are ours, and in  their lines we read                       

            A labour not different from our own.

         a) Who does ‘their’ refer to ?     b) What does the poet mean by ‘lines we read’?

   13. But remember, please, the law by which we live,

   We are not built to comprehend a lie

          a) What does the machine ask us to remember?  b) Do machines purposefully harm us?

   14. We can pull and haul and push and lift and drive,

  We can print and plough and weave and heat and light,

         a) What works can the machine do?   b) Can a machine lift? Name such a machine.


    IV. Answer any THREE of the following questions.                                                  3 x 2 = 6

15. Change into indirect speech.

Ganesh said, “I have got an appointment so I shall meet the Manager today”.

    16. Punctuate the following sentence.

   Well cash what have you got

    17. Join the sentences using ‘if’.

           I am a tree. I will give cool breeze to all


V. Roadmap                                                                                                                  1 X 2 = 2

    18. A stranger wants to visit library. Write the steps to guide him to reach his destination.





VI. Answer any ONE of the following in a paragraph                                           1 X 5 = 5

  19. “Technology is a boon to the disabled”. Justify.

  20. Give an account of the last day of M.Hamel in school.


VII. Memoriter (Compulsory)

   21. Quote from memory.                                                                                              1 X 5 = 5

                    From: We were taken ….. To: …… all we ask


VIII. Supplementary                                                           

22. Rearrange the following sentences in coherent order.                                          1 X 5 = 5

a.  In this world of technological advancements newspapers are not printed but ‘spoken’.

b.  Francis Bennett is the Managing Editor of the Earth Herald.

c.  This story speaks about the people of the twenty-ninth century.

d.  Earth Herald is the world’s largest newspaper.

    e. The year is 2889, the date 25th July and the place is the office block.


23. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.                1 X 5 = 5

Many years ago there lived in Holland a boy named Peter. Peter’s father was one of the men who tended the gates in the dikes, called sluices. He opened and closed the sluices so that ships could pass out of Holland’s canals into the great sea. One afternoon in the early fall, when Peter was eight years old, his mother called him from his play. “Come, Peter,” she said, “I want you to go across the dike and take these cakes to your friend, the blind man. If you go quickly, and do not stop to play, you will be home again before dark.” The little boy was glad to go on such an errand, and started off with a light heart. He stayed with the poor blind man a little while to tell him about his walk along the dike and about the sun and the flowers and the ships far out at sea. Then he remembered his mother’s wish that he should return before dark and, bidding his friend goodbye, he set out for home.


a)     What was the work done by Peter’s father?

b)     How old was Peter?

c)      Who was Peter’s friend?

d)     What was the job given to Peter by his mother?

e)     What did Peter remember while talking with his friend?


IX. Answer any ONE of the following.                                                                         1 X 5 = 5 

24. Prepare an attractive advertisement using the hints given below. 

Home appliances New Year Sale 20-50 % Special Combo offers Muthusamy & Co., Raja Street, Karur.

25. You are Sudha / Sudan. The road in your area is damaged badly. Write a letter to the Municipal Chairman about the bad condition of the road in your area.




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