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11th - XI - Standard - English - Second Midterm Test Question Paper - Model Question Paper - Samacheer Kalvi

(Portion: Unit - 4,5) 

Second Midterm Test – 2024

Std: XI                                                                                                                    Time: 2.00 Hours

Sub: English                                                                                                           Marks: 50

I. Answer all the questions                                                                     10 X 1 = 10

Choose the appropriate synonyms of the underlined words in the sentences.

1. Tight Corner means a                            --.

a.  difficult situation                                    b. tragic incident      c. crowded corner   d. fierce fight

                  2. The king replenish the coffers with gold and gems.

  a. open                       b. spent                    c. require                   d. refill

  3. They were content to work in secluded spheres.

b.  clear                      b. open                       c. different                 d. isolated

Choose the appropriate antonyms for the underlined words in the following sentences.

4. May its lustre brighten the entire land!

a.  shine                    b. great                       c. fierce                      d. dullness

5.  I was searching for other persons from whom it might be possible to  borrow.

a.  agree                        b. Impossible             c. accept                     d. try

6.  A genuine mistake of such a kind would have been rectified at once.

a.  true                           b. fake                        c. authentic                d. dull

7.  Fill in the blank with the question tag.  Rajan polishes his shoes,__?.

a.  does he                    b. did he                     c. doesn’t he              d. don’t he

8.  Choose the right definition for the given term “pathologist”

        a. one who studies diseases                b. one who studies insects

         c. one who studies earthquake    d. one who studies birds

9.  Choose the suitable meaning for the idiom “have a cold feet”

a.  anxious                    b. under the ocean    c. happy                     d. eats a lot of food

10. Identify the meaning of the underlined phrasal verb.  I will stand by you.

a.  relax                         b. support                  c. put off                    d. oppose


II. Read the sets of poetic lines and answer any two of the following.  2 X 2 = 4

11. “Macavity’s a Mystery cat: he’s called the hidden paw”.

a.  Does the poet talk about a real cat?        b. Why is he called the hidden paw?

12. “Honour is a property common to all:

In dignity and pride no one need to be poor”.

a.  What is common to all?                            b. Who are considered rich?

13. “He sways his head from side to side,

with movements like a snake;

And when you think he’s half asleep, he’s always wide awake”.

a.  Explain the comparison made here.        b. What does he pretend to do?


III. Answer any one of the following.                                                                  1 X 2 = 2

14. If I had known the truth, I would have told you. (Begin the sentence withhad’)

15. Seema said, “Mom, I burnt my finger”. (into indirect speech)


IV. Explain any one of the following with reference to the context.            1 X 3 = 3

16.    And when you think he’s half asleep, he’s always wide awake

17.  “Defeat we repel, courage our fort”


V. Answer any two of the following.                                                                   2 X 3 = 6

18.What is a tight corner? What happens when one finds oneself in a tight corner?

19.Why are universities necessary for a society?

20.Why did the narrator visit Christie’s?


VI. Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words.                     5 X 5 =25

21.  a. Explain how the narrator got out of the tight corner that he was in.


         b. How does Arignar Anna highlight the duties and responsibilities of graduates to the society?

22.  a. Describe an account of Macavity as described by T.S. Eliot.


  b. Bring out Kulothungan’s opinion in the poem “Everest is not the only peak”.



VII. Answer the following in a paragraph by developing the hints. (1 X 5 = 5)

    a. The narrator-went-photographer-take-photograph-himself-photographer-made-author-wait-one hour-narrator-angry-commenting-narrator’s face- called-Saturday-see-proof-photograph-seeing-narrator- shocked-silence-photographer-made-changes-removing-eyebrows-adjustments-mouth-narrator-frustrated- photograph-look-like-him-left-studio-photograph-worthless-bauble.


b. The-story-describes-single day- events-life-music-teacher-fiance-Basil-called off-wedding-felt-gloomy- upset-students-sing-a lament-Miss Wyatt-telegram-Basil-apology-Meadows-students-sing-happy-song


VIII. Identify each of the following sentences with the fields given below. (5 X 1 = 5)

1.      In a democracy, we have the right to criticize anyone.

2.      The price of vegetables shot up suddenly.

3.      The passenger sat down to check his e-mails.

4.      It was a thrilling neck and neck finish.

5.      The programme will be telecasted next week.

(Commerce, Sports, Literature, Computer, Politics, Media, Agriculture)


IX. Write a letter to the inspector of police reporting a theft in your house   (5 Marks)






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