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The Last Lesson - Paragraph Answers

 The Last Lesson Answer in a paragraph 2) Give an account of the last day of M.Hamel in school.        It was the last day for M. Hamel in school because order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine and the new master would come the following day. M. Hamel was gazing at everything in the little classroom and in the garden that includes the walnut trees and the hopvine. It was the last class after forty years of fruitful service. He was very patient and did not scold Franz for coming late and not answering the question instead Hamel blamed himself and parents of Franz. He taught lessons on grammar and history. The French language was  the most beautiful, the clearest and the most logical language in the world. M. Hamel said that we must guard our language because when people were enslaved, as long as they held fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their prison. When the church-clock struck twelve,...

A letter to the book dealer inquiring about the list of newly arrived English children's story books and various subject books

  Your a librarian in a newly established school. Write a letter to the book dealer inquiring about the list of newly arrived English children's story books and various subject books relevant to 10-14 age groups. From S. Jonathan, Librarian, ABC Matriculation School, Thoothukudi. 09 December 2021. To Brilliant Publications,  120, West Street, Chennai. Respected Sir, Sub: Enquiry about books for library – Reg      I am a librarian of  ABC Matriculation School. My school is recently established and we are planning to set up a library for the benefit of students. Students who develop the reading habit at this tender age are sure to achieve in their life with the help of the knowledge acquired through reading. So our school has decided to purchase books from your publications. I would like to know the details about English story books and various subjects relevant to 10 to 14 age group. I request you to inform about any offers or discounts for bulk orders. Than...

Letter to BSNL head regarding the internet broadband scheme.

Write a letter to the head of the BSNL office enquiring regarding the internet broadband scheme launched recently. From J. Ragland 25/1, South Street, Thoothukudi. 08 December, 2021 To General Manager, BSNL, Palayamkottai Road, Thoothukudi. Respected Sir, Subject: Enquiry about internet broadband scheme - Reg.        I am a student studying second year of my post graduation. Due to the pandemic situation, our college has started conducting virtual mode of classes. Mobile data is not sufficient and many a times there is no signal strength for seamless streaming. I came to know through a friend that BSNL is providing many offers for the customers in the recently launched new scheme. I request you to send me the details about it and the process for receiving a Broadband connection. Thank you. Yours sincerely, J. Ragland.

letter for Medical Leave

From M. Rajaram, Head Cashier, Punjab National Bank, Thiruvarur. 09 December, 2021. To The Manager, Punjab National Bank, Thiruvarur. Respected Sir, Sub: Requisition for medical leave - Reg.     I have been suffering from lower back pain for the past two weeks. I consulted a doctor and he has advised me to have bed rest. I am instructed to avoid travelling until recovery. So I humbly request you to grant me leave for one week. With this letter, I have attached a medical certificate from the doctor whom I consulted for your perusal. Thank you. Yours truly, M. Rajaram

The Last Lesson - Short Answers

  The Last Lesson Short Answers 1) What kind of news was usually put up on the bulletin board? For the last two years all the bad news such as the lost battles, the draft, the orders of the commanding officer had come from the bulletin board   2) What was the usual scene when school began every day? When school began every day, there was a great bustle, which could be heard out in the street. The opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in unison, and the teacher’s great ruler rapping on the table were the usual scene.   3) Other than the students, who were present in the class? Other than the students, there were villagers, the old Hauser, the former mayor, the former postmaster and several others were present in the class.   4) Why did Mr. Hamel say it was the last French lesson? Mr. Hamel said that it was the last French lesson because order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine and the new mast...

Synonyms & Antonyms - The Last Lesson

  The Last Lesson Synonyms 1. Chirping - making a short, sharp high pitched sound (usually by small. birds or insects) 2. Bustle - move in an energetic manner 3. Unison - simultaneous utterance of words 4. Rapping - striking with a series of rapid audible blows 5. Thumbed - a book which has been read often and bearing the marks of frequent handling 6. Cranky - strange 7. Saar - a river in northeastern France and western Germany 8. “Vive la France!” -  “Long live France!” Antonyms 1) Blush x Paleness 2) Commotion x Calm / Clarity 3) Dreadful x Beautiful / Pleasant 4) Enslaved x Freed 5) Grave x Light / Cheerful 6) Mounted x Descended / Dismounted 7) Tempting x Unattractive 8) Unison x Conflict / Disharmony 9) Warm x Cool

Tech Bloomers - Paragraph Answers

Tech Bloomers How do we use technology in our day to day lives?           Technology has not left any  field untouched. Technology has improved communication. It has enabled us to communicate with anyone, anywhere  in the world. With latest technology, machines are made to work automatically sensing the need. Home appliances can be operated through voice commands. It may even be operated from a long distance. This reduces the burden of our daily chores. Money transfer is also made possible from anywhere and at anytime. One can order any product through e - commerce sites and get it at doorstep. Nowadays, some appliances may self-order any of its content if it goes below the pre-defined limit. Water and Energy management can be taken care by automating all the activities. Technology also helps in the process of teaching and learning. Virtual mode of learning is at hand, when physical class is not possible to be conducted. ” Technology is a boon to ...

The Attic (Satyajit Ray) - Paragraph Answers

  The Attic                      - Satyajit Ray 1. Give a detailed account of all thoughts and questions in the narrator's mind while accompanying Aditya from the tea shop to Sanyal’s house.        There were a lot of thoughts and questions in the narrator's mind while accompanying Aditya from the tea shop to Sanyal's house .  They visited N agen’s tea shop and the narrator noticed a sudden change in Aditya's expression when Sanyal recited a poem . The narrator asked him the reason for it but Aditya did not answer him. When they reached Aditya's ancestral house, he was anxious to search a medal in the attic. He also wanted to find out the weight of the medal.  When the narrator questioned what it was, Aditya replied that he would know it soon. All these actions of Aditya created a sense of curiosity and confusion in the mind of the narrator until the incident behind it was revealed at the ho...

The Secret of the Machines (Poem) - A Brief Summary

  "The Secret of the Machine"                              - Rudyard Kipling           This poem deals with the problems of modern technology and automation. The poem is narrated   by the machines. They were made of the metals from ore bed and mine. They underwent many processes before they reach the working condition. They were fine tuned for precision to yield better outcome. They are fed with coal and oil. Once their task is assigned, they work twenty four hours a day. They can do any kind of   tedious work. They are programmed to count, read and write. They can receive command and respond to it. They are constructed and governed by Law of Science. They are not able to comprehend a lie. They are devoid of any human emotions like love and pity. They may take the life of a person who mishand...

The Trick Madho Played - Answers

  "The Trick Madho Played" A. Reading comprehension Complete these sentences. l . Amarnath Bhonsle earned profits by Ans - selling mangoes   2. Amarnath was not a...... person because he didn't treat the village boys....... Ans- kind hearted, generously 3. Amarnath invited the village headman to taste his mangoes first so that........ Ans - he would recommend to the fruit buyers of Ratnagiri as Amarnath's mangoes were the sweetest Madho's eyes widened when he saw the mangoes because they.... Ans - are red, ripe and it is mouth-watering Amarnath asked Madho to .................. and .............. before the headman arrived. Ans   - wash the first two mangoes, cut them into thin slices           -  put them on a silver plate Madho ate the mangoes because he.......... Ans - has never tasted delicious mangoes What Madho did is not ................ although Amarnath Bhonsle was not a .............. person. Ans    - correct and...

The Spider and the Fly (Poem) - A Brief Summary

  The Spider and the Fly                      -  Mary Botham Howitt              This poem explains how the innocent falls prey to the plans of the cunning. The poem begins with the invitation of Spider to Fly. He describes his parlour as “the prettiest”. The Fly declines the invitation saying that one could never return alive. Next, the Spider requests the Fly to take rest upon his bed for a while. The Fly knows that it will be an sleep eternal and it declines. Again, the Spider makes a humble call to the Fly to visit his pantry, but the Fly says that it do not wish to see it. Finally, the Spider starts praising the beauty of the Fly and invited to look in his mirror. Now, the Fly replies that it would visit some other day. The poor Fly has fallen for the flattering words of the Spider. The Fly visited the Spider's "den"  and lost her life. The poet advises the children to clos...

Preposition - Explanation with Examples and Exercise(with answers)

  PREPOSITION * A preposition is used  to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships , or to introduce an object. * Prepositions explain relationships between other words in a sentence. I. Prepositions of time: (in, on, at, since, for, during) They indicate when a particular event happened. II. Prepositions of place: (in, on, between, behind, under, over, near) They indicate a location. III. Prepositions of movement: (to, into, towards, through) They indicate movement. EXAMPLES: The ball is on the table. I have been studying since morning. (particular point of time) I have been working here for 4 years. (duration of time.) I will visit the zoo during the holidays. I will visit the zoo in the holidays. Our house is between the mountain and the sea. The stream is hidden among the trees. Match the following. 1. She went to the market                           ...

Articles - Complete the conversation

 Nagarajan and Dhanalakshmi want to buy a new house. They have come to see a  house for sale. Complete the conversation below by adding a, an or the.  Nagarajan : Well, here we are, No.8, Kaveri Street. I think this is the house we saw online. What do you think of the location? Dhanalakshmi : It is in a nice neighbourhood. And it’s close to the railway station. Nagarajan : And the bus stop is not too far away. Dhanalakshmi : How many rooms are there? Nagarajan : There are three rooms, a kitchen and a balcony. Dhanalakshmi : There is a lawn behind the house, right? Nagarajan : That’s right. The lawn is actually quite large. Did you see any photos of the living room, online? What does it look like? Dhanalakshmi : The living room looks great. It looks bright and airy. It has a nice view of the   hills. But the kitchen looks a little small. Nagarajan : And, I remember you said there isn’t a store room, right? Dh...

Articles - Add articles

  Few articles are missing in the given passage. Edit the passage given below by adding  suitable articles wherever necessary.             My neighbourhood is a very interesting place. My house is located in an apartment building downtown near many stores and offices. There is  a small supermarket across street, where my family likes to go shopping. There is also a post office and a bank near our home. In our neighbourhood there is a small, Green Park where my friends and I like to play on weekends and holidays. There is a small pond near the park and there are many ducks in the park. We always have a great time. In addition there is an elementary school close to our home where my little brother studies in the third grade. There are so many things to see and do in my neighbourhood that’s why I like it. It’s really a great  place.

I am Every Woman ( Rakhi Nariani Shirke) - 10th Standard - Paragraph Answer - High scorers and bright students

    I am Every Woman ( Rakhi Nariani Shirke)               The poem talks about the multifaceted nature of women. Woman is born beautiful. Her beauty lies both inwardly and outwardly. She remains the symbol of power and strength. She risks her life for the sake of her family and beloved ones. Woman is real and honest and never fake in words and actions. She foresees “the summer of life’’, that is, the hard days to come even in prosperous phase so as to continue the journey smoothly. She is the source of encouragement to the people all around. She is incomparable in all walks of life. She is devoid of any fear. She is unwavering in her faith and belief in spite of the troubles she faces in her life. She thinks that persistence is the key to everything.  She is like a lioness so it is better not to tease her. Never try to misbehave with her and she will not take it lightly. If one tries to play with her self-respect, she will el...

Zig Zag(Asha Nehemiah) - A Short Summary

 Zig Zag                             - Asha Nehemiah Introduction          "Zig Zag" is an amusing story which narrates the commotion caused when a new pet arrives home. The story is humorous and it makes an interesting reading. Somu's Request          Dr. Ashok. T. Krishnan is a child specialist and he had a friend named Somu from the same profession. Somu requested Mr. Krishnan to take care of his pet, Zig Zag as the former was leaving to Alaska. In Somu's words, Zig Zag was the most harmless, unusual and lovable pet. Zig zag - Strange and Skilled          Though it is said that Zig Zag could sing and talk in twenty one different languages, it did not utter even a single word. The children of the house offered fruits and nuts to make the bird speak but in vain. Cook Visu who brought Zi...

Practice set (Exercise) - Active and Passive Voice, Modals

  Transform the following sentences into other voice. 1. Please sleep early Ans. You are advised to sleep early.    2. Children welcomed the new teacher yesterday. Ans. The new teacher was welcomed by children yesterday. 3. A clear indication has been identified by the meteorologist about a cyclone. Ans. Meteorologist has identified a clear indication about a cyclone. 4. I had been fined by the traffic inspector. Ans. Traffic inspector had fined me. 5. Pauline was cooking the lunch for us. Ans. The lunch was being cooked by Pauline for us. 6. Don't eat junk foods. Ans. You are ordered not to eat junk foods. / Let junk foods not be eaten. 7. I love my mother. Ans. My mother is loved by me. 8. My parents have advised me to concentrate on studies. Ans. I have been advised by my parents to concentrate on studies. 9. Who wrote the letter? Ans. By whom was the letter written? 10. She would address the audience. Ans. The audience would be addressed by her. Fill in the...

Practice Set(Exercise) with answers - Active and Passive Voice

       Change the following sentences to the other voice. 1. The manager appointed many office assistants. Ans: Many office assistants were appointed by the manager. 2. You are making a cake now.  Ans: A cake is being made by you. 3. That portrait was painted by my grandmother. Ans: My grandmother painted that portrait. 4. Malini had bought a colourful hat for her daughter. Ans: A colourful hat had been bought by Malini for her daughter. 5. They have asked me to pay the fine. Ans: I have been asked to pay the fine by them.  6. The militants were being taken to prison by the police. Ans: The police were taking the militants to prison. 7. His behaviour vexes me. Ans: I am vexed by his behaviour. 8. Rosy will solve the problem. Ans: The problem will be solved by Rosy. 9. Our army has defeated the enemy. Ans: The enemy has been defeated by our army. 10. The salesman answered all the questions patiently. Ans: All the questions were answered patiently by the sale...

Practice Set(Exercise) with answers - Modals

Practice Set(Exercise) with answers - Modals   A. Complete these sentences using appropriate modals. The clues in the brackets  will help you 1. When I was a child, I ___ climb trees easily but now I can’t. (ability in the past)  Ans: used to 2. I ___ win the singing contest. (determination)  Ans: will 3. You ___ buy this book. It is worth buying (advice or suggestion)  Ans: ought to 4. Poongothai ___ speak several languages. (ability in the present)  Ans: can 5. I swear I ___ tell lies again (promise)  Ans: won’t 6. My father ___ play badminton in the evening when he was at college (past habit)  Ans: used to 7. You ___ do as I say! (command)  Ans: must 8. ___ I have another glass of water? (request)  Ans: Could 9. Sibi has not practised hard but he___win the race (possibility)  Ans: May 10. We ___ preserve our natural resources (duty)  Ans: ought to B. Rewrite the following sentences by rectifying the errors in the use of moda...

Hints Development - Meaningful birthday celebration

  Hints Development Write a meaningful paragraph using the hints given below. Mahesh – celebrates – 14th birthday – an old-age home – family, friends – informs home in advance – delegates tasks – friends buy things necessary – arrives home early – decorates place – balloons, colour papers – inmates gathered – cuts cake – sing song, claps – distributes cakes – expresses his feelings – gets blessings – offers things – bedsheets, footwear etc. needed – fun, entertainment – happy and content. Meaningful birthday celebration        Mahesh is 13 years old boy. He wishes  to celebrate his 14th birthday in an old age home. He informed it to his parents, friends and relatives. He delegated tasks for the celebration. Accordingly, his friends bought things necessary for the function. They  arrived home early and decorated the place with balloons and colour papers. All the inmates gathered in the place. Mahesh cut the birthday cake with birthday song and claps. Ca...

Letter to Editor - Poor maintenance of temple

            You are Sadasivam. You recently visited your native town in Vellore. You happened  to accompany your grandmother to your family temple. You were shocked to notice  the poor condition and maintenance of the temple. Write a letter to the Editor of local newspaper highlighting the poor condition of the temple. Also give some suggestions and request the HRC to take steps to improve the situation. From S. Sadasivam 65, West Cross Street, Chennai - 21. 18 March, 2021 To The Editor, The Hindu, Madurai. Respected Sir, Sub: Poor maintenance of temple - Reg.          I am Sadasivam.  I reside at Chennai. Recently I visited my hometown, Vellore. I went to offer prayers with my family at the temple of shivan. It has been our family deity for generations. I was taken aback by the poor condition and maintenance of the temple. Unwanted plants and thorny bushes have grown around the temple which has become a breeding grou...

Informal Letter - joy of celebrating festival in a village

  Write a letter to your friend describing the joy of celebrating festivals in village.  53, Kumaran Street, Tirunelveli - 6. 22 January, 2021. Dear Daniel,               How are days going on? I am fine. Last week, I went to my native village to celebrate Pongal with my grandparents. I was so excited to meet them after a long time. The fresh air of the village was enchanting and greeneries all around was a visual treat. I enjoyed bathing in the river. I visited a village fair and bought a few toys for me and my little sister. I went to my ancestral temple and offered prayers. It was really an enjoyable experience to sleep on a cot on the terrace under the star-lit sky. I missed you a lot and next time you should accompany me to my village.  Yours lovingly,  Ashwin. Address on the Envelope  To  J. Daniel, 67/1, West Cross Street, Chennai - 21.

Picture Description

Describe the picture in your own words               Grandparents are the repository of practical wisdom.  They may not be under the glamorous clutches of modern world but they are replete with ripe experience.  But unfortunately, they are left alone in this modern world. We remain busy with studies,  occupation, or any household works.  Even in our leisure, we get glued to our gadgets like mobile phones.  We assume that the world is in our hands.  At the same time,  we tend to forget that grandparents are the storehouse of knowledge yet are ignored, many a times. They feel alone and sad at their plight. It is our duty to realise their importance and celebrate them.

Informal Letter - to a friend in another planet

Imagine that you and your friend get a chance to visit another planet. There, you befriend an alien who takes you around the planet. After reaching the earth, write a letter thanking him for all the help he did. No. 23, Nalan Nagar, Madurai - 12 18 February 2021  Dear blcrufg,       I am your friend, John from Earth.  We reached the Earth safely. It was really a happy time spent with you in your planet. Every moment was surprising and unforgettable. We were awestruck at the beauty of your planet. The love showered on us by your people was innocent and pure. You were very friendly and helpful. We shared our experience in your planet to all my friends and family members in the Earth.  They are very eager to meet you. Please come to our Earth and spend some days with us. Yours lovingly, John. Address on the Envelope  To       blcrufg,       6th Avenue,       Planet Mars.

Letter To Editor - poor maintenance of street lights

You are Raja. The street lights of your area do not work properly. As a responsible citizen, write a letter to the newspaper enlightening them about the problem and also suggest ways to brighten the area. 1, Nehru Street Pulavar Nagar Thirunelveli 23.2.21 The Editor The Hindu  PQR Road Thirunelveli Respected Sir,          Sub: poor maintenance of street lights - Reg.      Through  your  esteemed daily  newspaper, I would like to throw light on the grievance of the people in my area.      Street lights of my area has not been properly working for a long time. It poses a great threat to those who walk in the street especially for the aged and children. Due to the recent rains,  the road is in a bad shape.  The street has potholes in which  the pedestrian may fall in the absence of street lights.  We have made repeated requests but in vain.       I kindly request you to publis...

Formal Letter - requesting for Person Studied in Tamil Medium certificate (PSTM)

 From         S. Johnson,         256, Gandhi Street,         Coimbatore. To         The Principal,         Netaji College of Arts and Science,          Coimbatore. Respected Sir/Madam, Sub: Requesting for PSTM certificate - Reg.           I, Johnson, completed my course of B.Com during the academic year of 2011-2013. Now I am intending to apply a government examination/certification verification and I need to submit a certificate for any medium of instruction. So I humbly request you to issue me PSTM certificate (Person Studied in Tamil Medium certificate).                           Thanking you, Place: Madurai                                 Yours truly, Date:      ...

Formal Letter - Requesting for graduation certificate

 From          A. Gabriel           234, South Street,           Madurai. To           The Principal,            Gandhi College of Arts and Science,            Madurai. Respected Sir/Madam,  Sub: Requisition to issue graduation certificate - Reg.             I am Gabriel. I completed my course in the academic year of 2011-2013.  I have not received my graduation certificate due to some personal issues. Now I am in need of my graduation certificate for my professional advancement. So kindly request you to issue my graduation certificate.                        Thanking you, Place: Madurai.                                    Yours truly, Da...

Letter of Enquiry - Free IAS coaching

Venkat hails from a remote village of Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu who aspires to become an IAS officer. Currently, he is in class X. He notices an advertisement on free classes for the IAS aspirants by a trust in a news paper. He writes a letter to the coordinator of the trust inquiring for further details. From AAAA, Std. X, ABC Matriculation School, Thoothukudi. 2 December 2021 To The coordinator Victory Free IAS Academy, South Street, Madurai. Respected Sir, Sub: Requesting information to join free IAS Coaching - Reg.          I saw your advertisement for free coaching for IAS aspirants in newspaper today. I am so happy as my ambition in life is to become an IAS officer.  Currently, I am studying tenth standard.  As a civil servant, I would like to elevate the life of the poor and downtrodden and help them avail the schemes of government for their upliftment. I hail from a middle class family which makes it difficult to afford fees for IAS coa...

Report Writing - National Science Day Celebration

 You are the Coordinator of the Science Forum of your school. An event had been organized on account of National Science Day for the members of the forum.  Now, write a report on the observation of “National Science Day” at your school. NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY - Gabriel Rex,                                      Co-ordinator, Science Forum ABC Matriculation School observed National Science Day on 26th of February.  The day is celebrated every year to mark the discovery of the Raman effect by Indian Physicist   Sir  C. V. Raman on 28th February 1928. Professor Pauline Mercy was the Chief guest of the celebration. In her address, she threw light on the prevalence of science in our daily life.  Our life will come to a grinding halt without science.  Science  has eased  our regular chores. Every student should learn science and bring out their innovation in...

Practice Set (Exercise) with answers - Sentence Pattern

I. Choose the right pattern. 1) The wall collapsed. A. SV         B. SVO                     C. SVIODO 2) During the war, many people lost their homes. A. SVO         B. SVIODO             C. ASVO 3) I promised the children a trip to the zoo. A. SVO           B. SVDOIO            C. SVIODO 4) In 1998, Frank moved to London. A. ASVA             B. ASVO                 C. SVIODO 5. Pooja hired a bicycle. A. SV            B. SVO                    C. SVA Write two sentences for each pattern  1. SV 2. SVO 3. SVC 4. SVA 5. SVOC 6. SVIODO 7. ASV 8. SVAA Answers: I. Choose the right pattern. 1. SV 2. ASVO 3. SVIODO 4. ASVA 5. SVO Writ...

Reported Speech(Direct and Indirect Speech) - Explanation & Rules with Examples

  Reported speech (Direct and Indirect Speech) There are two main types of speech:                                                              *  Direct speech * Indirect (Reported Speech)      Direct speech states the exact words of the person.      Reported speech is the words of speaker from the other person. Change of Reporting Verb The Jones said, “Have you understood the concept?”                 In this sentence, the word “said” is the reporting verb. The reporting verb has to be changed according to the type of sentence while transforming the sentence into reported speech. Statement      Said to – told      Said – said Interrogative – asked Imperative – orde...