"The Secret of the Machine"
- Rudyard Kipling
poem deals with the problems of modern technology and automation. The poem is
narrated by the machines. They were made
of the metals from ore bed and mine. They underwent many processes before they
reach the working condition. They were fine tuned for precision to yield
better outcome. They are fed with coal and oil. Once their task is assigned, they work twenty four hours a day. They can do any kind of tedious work. They are programmed to count,
read and write. They can receive command and respond to it. They are constructed
and governed by Law of Science. They are not able to comprehend a lie. They are
devoid of any human emotions like love and pity. They may take the life of a
person who mishandles them. Machines may even make people think that they are
omnipotent and they are nothing more than the human beings.
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