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7th Std. - English - III Third Mid term Test - Question Paper - Term II - Samacheer Kalvi

Third Terminal Exam-2023

STD: VII Time:  2.30 Hrs.

SUB: ENGLISH                                            Marks: 100

   Answer all the following Questions

I. Choose the correct synonyms from the options given below                            3 X 1= 3

1. Gazing

a) Quick    b) moved    c) look steadily

2. Furious 

a) Stop    b) predicted  c) extremely angry

3. Achievement 

a) Attainment b) misfortune c) violent   

II. Choose the correct antonyms from the options given below                          3 X 1= 3

1. Magnificient  

a) Narrow          b) ordinary    c) before 

2. Curious  

a) Interested  b) unify          c) uninterested 

3) Depart 

a) late              b) arrive          c) exposed

III. Choose the correct options for the phrasal verbs                     8 X 1 = 8

1. The meaning of ‘pick up’

a) To go somewhere    b) to begin a journey  c) to leave a bus

2. The meaning of ‘fight or flight’

a) To flee    b) enjoy your flight  c) to defend oneself or to runaway

3. The meaning of ‘Journey’

a) Travel from one place to another b) stop over c) the act of vacating

4. The meaning of ‘Pilgrimage

a) Religious journey b) travel c) roaming

5. Neerja leapt into action when she---------------

a) noticed the chaos on board b)  the pressurizing dowry demands     

c) amazed by her performance

6. Neeraja was born on ---------------- in Chandigarh

a) 26th July 1970 b) 7th September 1963 c)  12th march 1985

7. Write the plural form for the following words

     a) elephant  b) daughter

III. Answer any five of the following question in a sentence or two                5 X 2= 10

1. Which mode of transport did fogg choose?

2. Did he hire kiouni? Why?

3. Why was the elephant owner happy with the deal?

4. Name the schools and colleges Neerja studied in

5. Why was Neerja awarded the Ashok chakra?

6. Why was Neerja sent to London?

7. What was the duty of the purser?

IV. Read the poetic lines and answer any five of the following questions        5 X 1 = 5

1. “I must go down to the sea again, to the lovely sea and the sky”

             Where does the poet want to go?

2.   “And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying”

              Why does the poet ask for a windy day?

3. “And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long tricks over”

                What does the poet want to do after his voyage is over?

4.  “It isn’t an instantaneous thing”

               What does ‘it’ refer to?

5. “It’s slow unwavering, ingrained trait”

                What is an ‘Ingrained trait’?

6. “With the patience to work and the strength to”

                Why does a courageous man need patience?

7. “Back of his smiles and behind his tears”

                What does ‘tears’ means?

V. Answer any three of the following 3 X 2 = 6

     Change the following into indirect speech 

1. Ram said to Rahul, “I want an ice cream”.

2. Mala said to Rahul, “I cannot come”,

    Punctuate the following.

3. Sarathy said oh how thrilling it was.

4. the teacher said to the students where do you want to go

VI. Answer any two of the following             2 X 5 = 10

1. What qualities of Mr. Phileas Fogg are highlighted in this extract?

2. Describe the elephant driver in your own words

3. How was Neeraja honoured by various government?

4. What are the selection criteria for the Neerja bhanot pan AM Award?

VII. Answer any two of the following 2 X 5 = 10

1. ‘I must go down to the seas again, to the lovely sea and the sky’

    a) What is the title of the poem?     

   “How does the poet want to lead a life?

     And all I ask is a merry yarm from a laughing fellow-over

     And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long tricks over”

a) Pick out the rhyming words from the above lines

b) Write the rhyme scheme of the given stanza 

c) Pick out the alliterating words

2. What are the characteristics of a courageous man?

3. ‘Courage isn’t a brilliant dash,

     A daring deed in a moment’s flash;

     Born of despair with a sudden spring’

a) Pick out the rhyming words from the above lines 

b) Write the rhyme scheme of the given stanza

c) Which is not a brilliant dash?

d) Pick out the alliterated words in the 2nd line

4. Can courage be developed suddenly? Why? When should we have courage?

VIII. Answer any three of the following         3 X 3 = 9

1. Find out the anagrams

a) The past tense of leap_______________

b) Something to serve food on__________

c) Try to  her

2. Fill in the blanks with apt vocabulary

(Turbulence, cockpit, touch down)

       a) The captain and the co-pilot sit in the ____________

       b) That was a very smooth__________

       c)  This __________ should only last a few minutes

3. Identify the character

      a) Stop ship Drop anchor. Quick!

      b) I saw the same ship approaching the port

      c) I longed to go back home

4. a) The king was a ___________ (noble and kind/mean and cruel) person.

     b) The man in the cave were all________ (ministers/ slaves) of the king.

     c) The king gave many valuable_________ (gifts/ rewards) to Sindbad.

IX. Match the following             5 X 1 = 5

       Column A                         Column B

      a. Green Island               -    in the cave

      b. Mihrjan                    -    huge fish

      c. Sindbad, the Sailer      -    the king

      d. Sindbad, the Porter     -    Voyager

      e. Slaves                        -     poor listener

X.  Quote from memory poem 5 X 1 = 5

                 From:       I must go -------------

                 To :           --------------- running tide

XI. Read the passage and answer the following Questions given below.          4 X 2 = 8

       One day when I was standing on the port, I saw a ship approaching the port. It was the same ship, which had sailed further after leaving me behind, struggling in the sea. When the captain of the ship saw me, he was greatly surprised to find me alive. He and the other crew members hugged me with happiness. The captain handed over my goods to me, which had been left on the ship.


1. Where was he standing?

2. What did he see?

3. Whom did he meet on the ship and why was the person surprised?

4. What did he get back from the captain?


XII. Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order                                    5 X 1 = 5 

      1. I longed to go back home.

      2.  I was being tossed by the frequent powerful waves.

      3.  I narrated my tale of sufferings and hardships to the king.

      4.  I saw the same ship approaching the port

      5.  My father was a rich merchant.

XIII.   Write a leave letter to your class teacher requesting leave for one day    1 X 5 = 5

XIV.   Pick out three monosyllabic words from the following.                              3 X 1 = 3

       Ten, servant, hide, bring, frightful,

XV. Choose the correct determiners                                                                      2 X 1 = 2

  1. There seemed to be very _____ people in this area.

  2. We aren’t supplying ______ new phones in your area.

XVI. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb                                                          3 X 1 = 3

  1. I_________ Never ____(see) such beautiful sights before I visited Paris in 2012.

     2. I_________(save) money for five years before I booked my trip to Paris 


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