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11th Standard - English Question Paper - June Monthly Test - Unit-1 - Samacheer Kalvi

                                                     MONTHLY TEST (JUNE)                  

CLASS: XI                                                                                                                   Mark : 50

SUB: ENGLISH                                                                                               Time : 1 1/2 Hrs


                                    PART-I                                                            (9X1=9)

I Choose the correct synonym for the underlined words from the options given.

1.The house was in a dilapidated condition.
(a) damaged
    (b) vigorous                 (c) diluted       (d) designated

2.Once she had been young and pretty.
(a) old              (b) ugly                        (c) attractive    (d) unpleasant

3.Her lips moved in inaudible prayer.
(a) unseen        (b) unheard                  (c) distasteful  (d) unidentified


II Choose the correct antonyms for the underlined words from the options given.

4.He wore a loose-fitting garment.
(a) free             (b) detached                (c) tight           (d) slim

5.She had been old and her skin wrinkled for the twenty years I had known her.
(a) lined           (b) smooth                   (c) marked       (d) folded

6. Grandma accepted her seclusion.
(a) loneliness   (b) segregation (c) solitude      (d) association


7.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

     She always _______ (make) excuses for coming late.

     a) makes    b) is making c) made d) has made


8.Fill in the blanks with appropriate determiners. 

It is said that a computer is _____ electronic extension of the human brain.

(a) a                             (b) an                           (c) the              (d) few


9. Choose the root word that cannot form a derivative with the prefix ‘un’

(a) sufficient                (b)comfortable                        (c) necessary    (d) fortunate


                                                                  PART II                                                       (4x2=8)

III. Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow:

10. “But now they only laugh with their teeth,
While their ice-block-cold eyes…”

i Who are ‘they’?

ii Explain: ice-block-cold eyes


11.“Most of all, I want to relearn.

How to laugh, for my laugh in the mirror
Shows only my teeth like a snake’s bare fangs!”
            i Why does the poet want to relearn how to laugh?

ii Whom does the poet want to relearn from?


12 Change into other voice

            Mohammed follows the rules


13. If Sita had informed me earlier, I would have returned home. (Begin the sentence with ‘Had’)


                                                                    PART III                                                  (6x3=18)

 IV Answer any two of the following questions in three or four sentences each:

14.Describe the author’s grandmother.

15. What made the dogs follow the grandmother after school hours?

16. Describe the grandfather as seen in the portrait.



V. Explain the following lines with reference to the context:

17.“Once upon a time, son
They used to laugh with their eyes:”


18. “There will be no thrice”.

19.Write a notice about the inauguration of a laughter club in your school.

20. You are the sports Captain of your school. Write a message to the Physical Director, requesting him to be present during the football team selection scheduled for tomorrow.


                                                                PART IV                                                  (5X3=15)

VI Answer the following in a paragraph of 100 – 150 words each.

21 a) The grandmother played a vital role in the author’s formative years. Give your own example of how elders have a positive influence on the younger generation. Include examples from the story also?


b) Animals are capable of empathy. Substantiate this statement with examples from the prose “The Portrait of a Lady”?

22 a) Explain the things the poet has learned when he grew into an adult.


b) This poem is nothing but criticism of modern life. Justify this statement.

23 a) Describe the appearance of the policeman on the beat.


What story did the man standing near the hardware store tell the passing cop?




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