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Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening-Robert Frost - Standard IX(9th) - Poem - Samacheer Kalvi

 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 

                                                - Robert Frost 

I. Read the following lines and answer the following questions.

1.  He will not see me stopping here 

     To watch his woods fill up with snow.  

a) Whom does ‘he’ refer to?

"He" refers to the owner of the woods.

b) Identify the season in these lines.

Winter season is referred in these lines.                                                                                           

2.  My little horse must think it queer 

     To stop without a farmhouse near 

a) Who is the speaker?

     The poet,  Robert Frost, is the speaker.

b) Why should  the horse think it queer?

     The poet has stopped the horse without a farmhouse. So the horse thought it queer.

c) Pick out the rhyming words.

    Queer and near are the rhyming words

3.  He gives his harness bells a shake 

     To ask if there is some mistake.

a) Whom does ‘he’ refer to in these lines?

      The word "he" refers to the horse

b) Why does ‘he’ give his harness bells a shake?

      He gives his harness bells a shake as an alarm to start moving.

c) How does the horse communicate with the poet?

     The horse communicates with the poet through the bell sound.

4.  The woods are lovely, dark and deep, 

     But I have promises to keep

a)  How are the woods?

      The woods are lovely, dark and deep.

b) Whom does ‘I’ refer to?

     "I" refers to the poet,  Robert Frost.

c) What are the promises the speaker is talking about?

     The speaker is talking about the promises which may be his commitments or responsibilities of life.

5.  And miles to go before I sleep,  

     And miles to go before I sleep. 

a) Why the poet has used the same line twice? 

     The poet has used the same line twice to stress the importance of moving forward.

b) Explain: miles to go before I sleep

      This line stresses that we need to move forward in life without giving in to deviations. We should focus on the responsibilities of our life so that we can succeed in life.

II. Paragraph

Write a summary of the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"

            After a long travel the poet entered  a forest. He wondered to whom the wood belongs to. He realized that the owner of the wood lived in a nearby village. He thought that the owner would not be able to see him stopping in his woods to watch snow fill the woods. The poet felt that the horse would think it very strange to stop near the woods as he had never stopped there. He was actually standing between the woods and frozen lake. The time was evening. The horse indicated that the poet has made a signal by shaking its head. The poet felt  that the woods are lovely, dark and deep. He suddenly realized that he had worldly commitments which  would not allow him to stop in the woods for a long time.


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