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Learning the Game(Prose) - Standard IX((9th Standard) - Unit-1 - Samacheer Kalvi

Learning the Game

I. Synonyms

1. Emulate - to match or surpass typically by imitation. 

2. Overawed  -  impressed so much that they are silent or inhibited 

3. Induction  -  the action or process of including someone to an organization 

4. Rigorous  - extremely thorough and careful 

5. Nuances  -  subtle changes in or shades of meaning, expression, or sound 

6. Pursue  - follow or chase 

7. Stamina  - the ability to sustain or prolonged physical and mental effort 

8. Cocktail  - a mixed drink which is a combination of ingredients such as fruit juice, lemonade, flavored syrup or cream. 

9. Kitbag - a long cylindrical canvas bag, (here) used  to carry cricket accessories 

10. Stride  - a step or stage in progress towards an aim  

11. Embarrassment  -  a feeling of self- conscious, shame or awkwardness 

12. Melee  - a confused crowd of people 

13. Transpire  - come to be known /  revealed 

14. Farsightedness  - showing a prudent awareness of future possibilities 

15. Bunked  - to make oneself absent from a class or session

16. Ease - effortless

17. Evolve - progress

18. Excess - surplus

19. Survive - endure

20. Immense - great

II. Antonyms

1. Concentrate X distract 

2. Inevitable X preventable

3. Occasional X continual 

4. Complete X incomplete 

5. Insane  X wise

III. Answer the following questions

1. Who were Sachin’s favourite players? 

Sunil Gavaskar and Viv Richards were Sachin’s favourite players.

 2. What was special about Shardashram Vidyamandir in Mumbai?

In Shardashram Vidhyamandir, Ramakant Achrekar was the cricket coach who  gave due importance to the game of cricket. 

3. What was the opportunity that transformed the life of Sachin?
 Achrekar agreed to let him join the camp and it was the opportunity that transformed Sachin's life.

4. What sort of conversations did Ajit and Sachin  have while travelling?
During the bus journeys, Ajit talked to Sachin about the nuances of batting.

 5. What routine did Sachin follow in washing his clothes? 
 Sachin had only one set of cricket clothes and he washed them as soon as he returned from the morning session. He wore them again in the afternoon. 

 6. What did Achrekar inform Ajit?
 Achrekar informed Ajit that Sachin had the potential to be a good cricketer if he practiced all year round.

7.  What was the suggestion given by Achrekar to Sachin’s father? 
Achrekar suggested to Sachin's father that Sachin should change school if he wanted to pursue cricket seriously.

 8. What acted as a safety valve?
In Shardashram Vidhyamandir, All his excess energies were channelled into cricket, which acted as a kind of safety valve.

 9. What did Sachin do during the thirty minute break? 
During the break, Achrekar would often give Sachin some money to go and have a vadapav.

 10. What is the intense ‘fifteen minutes’ mentioned?
In the last 15 minutes, Achrekar would  place a one rupee coin on top of the stumps and every bowler in the camp would bowl. If Sachin did not get out, the coin would belong to him.

 11. What did Sachin’s father do just to make Sachin happy? 
 Sachin’s father bought him a special fruit cocktail at a juice centre near the club to make him happy. 

  12. What did embarrass Sachin in the bus? 
 During peak hours, Sachin would stand in the bus carrying a large kitbag in dirty clothes. This embarrassed Sachin in the bus.

13. What made Sachin forget, to go to the nets? 
Occasionally Sachin played cricket with his friends at home  which made him forget to go to nets.

14. What did Achrekar advise Sachin?
Achrekar advised not to waste his time playing insane games with the kids. Cricket is waiting for Sachin at the nets. 

15. What was coach Achrekar's first impression on Sachin?
Coach Achrekar thought that Sachin was too young for the camp and suggested to bring him when he was little older.

 16. Why did Sachin feel that the schedule of the camp was ‘rigorous’? 
The camp involved a session every morning and evening at Shivaji Park. He would practice between 7.30 am and 10.30 am in the morning and again from afternoon till late evening. 

17. What did serve as a very personal coaching manual to Sachin?
 During the bus journeys, Ajit talked to Sachin about the nuances of batting. It served as a very personal coaching manual to Sachin

18. Why was Sachin asked to change the school? 
Achrekar suggested to Sachin's father that Sachin should change school if he wanted to pursue cricket seriously.

19.  What was the condition laid down by Sachin’s father for changing the school? 
Sachin’s father did not have any objections to change schools. But with a condition that Sachin should be really serious about playing cricket.

20. How did the act with the one rupee coin help Sachin become a good cricketer? 
    What did help Sachin build his physical and mental stamina? 
In the last 15 minutes, Achrekar would  place a one rupee coin on top of the stumps and every bowler in the camp would bowl. If Sachin did not get out, the coin would belong to him. It helped him to build up physical and mental stamina. 

21. Which incident triggered the coach to be angry on Sachin? 
Once Sachin bunked his daily evening practice to watch an inter-school cricket match. This incident triggered the coach to be angry on Sachin

22. Why do you think Achrekar punished Sachin?
Achrekar punished Sachin to teach him a very important lesson. If he practiced hard enough, one day people across the world would come and watch Sachin play.

23. ’I owe myself to him’ - What does Sachin mean by this?
Without Achrekar, Sachin would not have become a great cricketer. He was a strict disciplinarian and did everything he could for Sachin. So Sachin said, "I owe myself to him".

IV. Paragraph

1. 'Achrekar was a sincere coach'. Substantiate.
2. Narrate in your own words the hardships underwent by Sachin to become a great cricketer.
3. Quote the sentences which you find most inspiring from ‘Learning the Game’. How do they inspire you? Explain.
        Coach Achrekar thought that Sachin was too young for the camp and suggested to bring him when he was little older. Witnessing Sachin's talent, Achrekar agreed to let him join the camp and it was the opportunity that transformed Sachin's life. The camp involved a session every morning and evening at Shivaji Park. Sachin had only one set of cricket clothes and he washed them as soon as he returned from the morning session. He wore them again in the afternoon. Achrekar suggested to Sachin's father that Sachin should change school to Shardashram Vidhyamandir where Achrekar was the cricket coach if he wanted to pursue cricket seriously. Occasionally, Sachin played cricket with his friends at home which made him forget to go to nets. Achrekar advised not to waste his time as cricket is waiting for Sachin at the nets. The intense training of last 15 minutes helped him to build up physical and mental stamina. Without Achrekar, Sachin would not have become a great cricketer. He was a strict disciplinarian and did everything he could for Sachin.


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