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That Sunday Morning - 6th Std - Term 3 - Unit - 2 - Prose - Answers - Samacheer Kalvi

That Sunday Morning

I. Synonyms

1.Exploring -  travelling for discovery 

2. Imposing -  grand or impressive 

3. Invariably -  always 

4. Crowed -  boasted

5. Billowed out -  to flare out in the wind 

6. Threatening -  warning 

7. Blur -  unclear

8. Abruptly -  suddenly 

9. Momentum -  the force of a moving body 

10. Unfortunate -  unlucky 

11. Startled -  frightened 

12. Resplendent -  brilliant in appearance

13. Cavalry -  a unit of the army serving on horseback 

14. Magnificent -  grand 

15. Stampede -  rush 

16. Dislodged -  freed

17. Groan -  an utterance expressing pain 

18. Bellowed -  the cry of a cow 

19. Scrambled -  to move or climb hurriedly 

20. Awkward -  sensitive

21. Haughtily -  arrogantly 

22. Scowl -  threatening look
23. Retreat -  to move away 

24. Unpleasant -  disagreeable

II. Antonyms

1. Shady x misery 

2. Bored x calm 

3. Glee x interested 

4. Panic x slow 

5. Hasty x sunny

III. Answer the following questions.

1. Why did the family move to Patna?


The family moved to Patna because father was posted there.

2. Who was challenged for a race?


The narrator was challenged for a race.

3. Is the brother boastful? What makes you think so?


Yes, the brother is boastful. He had always beaten his sister.

4. Why did the trees become a green blur?


The trees became a green blur because she pedalled very fast.

5. Which line tells you that the girl was faster than the boy?


The line ‘soon I drew level with my brother and then gradually I moved ahead’ tells that the girl is faster than the boy.

6. How does Patna differ from Delhi?


There were no impressive buildings or monuments as there are in Delhi.

7. What was the girl determined to do? why?


The girl was determined to win the race at that time because her brother had always beaten her.

8. How did the cavalry officers look? What happened to them finally?


The cavalry officers looked brilliant in appearance. The horses panicked and were out of control. One horse threw an officer into the ditch. 

9. Why did the girl reply haughtily?


The brother laughed at her and so she replied haughtily.

10. Were the girl and her brother friendly with each other?


Yes, the girl and her brother were friendly with each other.

11. “I think it would be nice if we moved quickly from her.”

a) Who does I refer to?


''I'' refers to the girl.

b) Why did they want to move quickly from there?


One of the officers were coming towards them with a threatening look. So they wanted to move quickly from there.


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