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Unit test - Unit-6 - XI Standard(+1) - English - Samacheer Kalvi


Unit Test


Std. - XI                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     English                                                        Marks-50

I. Choose the appropriate synonym for the given word                                                                    3x1=3

1. Suave –

a) Polite                 b) save                   c) Impolite            d) sad

2. Venerable –

a) Variety              b) valued               c) valueless           d) static

3. Extravagantly –

a) Excessively       b) elastic               c) exorbitant        d) expressively

II. Choose the appropriate antonym for the given word                                                                  3x1=3

4. Consternation -

a) Peaceful           b) worry                c) sad                     d) continuous

5. Accidental -

a) Planned            b) unknowing       c) accountable     d) appreciated

6. Exasperation -

a) Calm                  b) Expressive        c) irritated            d) angry

III. Choose the correct answer from the given options                                                                    6x1=6

7. bona fide -

a) Genuine            b) close relationship           c) brief summary d) spoken examination

8. Bons mots 

a) Brief summary                                 b) genuine           c) witty remarks d) as a family

9. Hit the road –

a) Depart              b) clean                 c) accident            d) cheat

10. In panic mode –

a) Picnic                 b) fear                    c) happy                 d) pattern            

11. Resume –

a) Genuine            b) close relationship           c) brief summary d) spoken examination     

12. Drive one up the wall –

a) Irritate              b) fear                    c) anxiety              d) stupid

II. Do as directed                                                                                                                                                              3x2=6

1. Prabhu wanted to meet Varsha at the bus stop. He went to the bus stop. (into a compound)

2. I was tired. I went home early and slept (change into a complex sentence)

3. Though he was sick, he attended the exam. (into simple sentence)

III. Answer any two the following questions                                                                                     2x3=6

1. What were the contents of the bag?                            

2. What was Bryson’s worst accident on a plane?

3. How would staying away from liquid mischief benefit Bryson?

IV. Answer the following questions                                                                                                    3x1=3

1. Define the term “epitaphs”.            

2. What is the only thing we bequeath to our descendants?

3. Who is the speaker in the poem “The Hollow Crown”?

V. Explain the following lines with reference to the context                                                             1x3=3

“Our lands, our lives, and all, are Bolingbroke’s,

And nothing can we call our own but death;”

VI. Answer all the questions in paragraph                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       3x5=15

1. What are the causes for King Richard’s grief?                 

2. Write a brief summary of the “The Accidental Tourist”.

3. Bring out the humorous elements in the play “The Never – Never Nest”

VII. Respond to the following advertisement considering yourself qualified for the job                1x5=5

Wanted – A data entry operator – Post graduate in Mathematics – computer knowledge

- Proficient in English - Apply to - Harsha Software Solutions, 33, South Street, Madurai.


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