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Poem Appreciation Questions - Poem - 10th Std. - English - Important questions, easy and simple - Minimum Levels of Learning

Poem Appreciation Questions - Poem - 10th Std 

Poem - 1     "Life"

1. Whom does the word ‘me’ refer to? Poet- Henry Van Dyke
2. What kind of life does the poet want to lead? A joyful life
3. Why do you think the poet is not in a hurry? Enjoy and live the life/determined to reach the goal.
4. What should one not mourn for? Things that are lost
5. What does the poet mean by the phrase ‘in the dim past’? Unhappy past experiences
6. Is the poet afraid of future? No
7. How can one travel on with cheer? Memories of youth and old age
8. How is the way of life? Ups and down, rough and smooth
9. How should be the journey of life? Joyful
10. What did the poet seek as a boy? New friendship, high adventure and crown
11. What kind of quest does the poet seek here? The courageous quest
12. What is the poet’s hope? Last turn will be the best

Poem - 2  "The Grumble Family"

1. Where does the family live? Complaining Street

2. Why do you think the street is named as ‘Complaining Street’? They always complain

3. What does the word ‘growl’ mean here? Low guttural sound

4. Why do they find everything amiss? Unsatisfied

5. What is the opinion about the folks you meet down the street? Always grumble

6. What does the word ‘gloomy’ mean here? Depressing or frightening

7. What is the worst thing that can happen if anyone stays with them? They will learn to grumble

8. What are the ways of the Grumble family? Grumble about everything

9. What is the wisest thing that the poet suggests? Stay away from grumble family

10. What does the phrase ‘to keep our feet from wandering’ refer to? Don't enter complaining street

11.What does the poet expect everyone to learn? Walk with a smile and a song

12.What should we do when things go wrong sometimes? We should not worry

Poem - 3   "I am Every Woman"

1. What does the word summer mean here? Hard times in women's life

2. How does she take life ? Optimistically / positively

3. What does she mean by “spring will come again”? Good times will come again

4.What is she strong about? Her faith and belief

5. How does she deal with the adversities in life? With persistence

6. Is she complaining about the problems of life? No

7.  Pick out the words that show her grit. Persistence, strong, firm

8. What do the words thaw and saw mean here? Thaw-tackle, saw-deal with cruelty

9. What is the tone of the author? Angry

10. Describe today's woman according to the poet. Lioness

11. How should a woman be treated? With love and respect

Poem - 4  "The Ant and the Cricket"

1. What was the routine of the cricket? Singing

2.  Name the seasons mentioned here. Spring and summer

3. Who does he refer to? Cricket

4. Why was his cupboard empty? Did not save for winter

5. What couldn’t he find on the ground? Food or grains

6.  Why was the ground covered with snow? Winter season

7. What made the cricket bold? Starvation and famine

8. Why did the cricket drip and tremble? Wet and cold

9. Whom did the cricket want to meet? Why? Ant to borrow food or grains

10.  What would keep him alive? Shelter and grains

11.  Why do you think ants neither borrow nor lend? Work hard and plan for future

12. Who says these lines to whom? The ant to cricket

13. Who does ‘I’ refer to? Cricket

14. What was the nature of the cricket? How do you know? Singing day and night, from its reply

15. The ant refused to help the cricket. Why? Hated the laziness of cricket

16. Explain the second line. Cricket is disappointed

Poem - 5   "The Secret of the Machines"

1. Who does the pronoun ‘you’ refer to here? Human beings

2. Whose task is referred to as ‘our task’ here? Machines

3. Do the machines serve us twenty four hours a day? Yes

4. Whom does 'we' refer to? Machines

5. How are they made to fit? Cutting, filing

6. Where are the metals melted? Blast Furnace

7. What do they ask for? Water, coal and oil

8. Who will serve us the whole day? Machines

Poem - 6  "No Men are Foreign"

1. What is found beneath all uniforms? A person / human being

2. What is same for every one of us? Air, land

3. Where are we all going to lie finally? Same land/grave 

4. What is common for all of us? Sun, air, water

5. How are we fed? Peaceful harvest

6. Mention the season referred here? Winter

7. Who does ‘their’ refer to? People of other countries

8. What does not differ? Work of other country people

9. Who tells us to hate our brothers? Our leaders

10. What happens when we hate our brothers? We hate ourselves

11. What do we do to ourselves? Betray and condemn

12. What outrages the innocence? Our hells of fire and dust

13. Who are not foreign? The people from other countries

14. What is not strange? Other countries

Poem - 7   "The House on Elm Street"

1. What does ‘It’ refer to? Mysterious house

2. Pick out the line that indicates the size of the house? A ton of space

3. To whom does ‘I’ refer to? The poet, Nadia Bush

4. What does ‘It’ refer to? Tree  (It never grows leaves)

5. In what way the tree is a mystery? Leafless tree

6. Does the house remain the same every day? Fade each day

7. How does the poet consider the house to be a mystery? Nobody know about it.

8. Does the poet know what happened in the house? No

9. What is the mystery about the house? Nobody know about it.


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