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Synonyms(Full Portion) - 10th Std - simple and easy - Minimum levels of learning


Prose - 1

Ledge - a narrow shelf

Shrilly - high-pitched voice or sound

Herring - a long silver fish

Devour - eat in large amounts

Cackle - noise or cry of a hen, goose or seagull

Mackerel - a sea fish        

Gnaw - bite or chew

Trot - run at a moderate pace

Precipice - steep side of a cliff

Whet - sharpen                

Preening - cleaning

Plaintively – sadly

Swoop - move quickly   

Beckoning - gesture


Prose - 2

Hullabaloo - loud noise.      

Patrolman – police

Attic - a space or room inside the roof

Slamming - shutting forcefully and loudly.

Gruffly - sadly

Intuitively - without reasoning, instinctively

Whammed - struck forcefully

Bevelled - slopping edge          

Rending - tearing

Yanked - pulled with a jerk

Zither - a musical instrument

Guinea pig – rodent for food

Hysterical – wild uncontrolled emotion

Creaking - squeaking

Indignant - anger or annoyance at unfair treatment

Holster – a holder for handgun

Rafter - a beam part of a roof

Deserter - leaves the armed force without permission


Prose – 3

Circumnavigate – travel around the earth

Indigenously – naturally; innately; inherently

Consonance – agreement

Skippered – master or captain

Expedition – a journey or voyage for exploration

Replenishment – restoration

Apprehensive – anxious or fearful

Contention – strenuous effort

Auxiliary– additional or substitute

Anticipate – foresee, beforehand, expect  

Bio-luminescence – light by living organisms

Golgappas - pani puri        

Morale – confidence


Prose – 4

Bifurcated – divided               

Revive – bring back to life

Soothing – calm                      

Rustic – countryside

Dilated – widened

Ascertained – confirmed     

 Overwrought – upset

Attic – the space or room under the roof

Crumbled   – broken

Spire –   a tall, pointed on top of a building, tower

Unperturbed – undisturbed    

Affluent – wealthy

Smacks – drive or put into something


Prose – 5

Grapple - fight

Cerebral palsy - tightening of muscles by damage of brain 

Dragon Dictate - a software for speech to text

Assistive technologist - technological gadgets to overcome disability                                

Gaze – stare

Liberator Communication Device - communicate with eye movements

Inclusion - including             

Cloister - enclosed

Collaborative process - two or more working together


Prose – 6

Chirping - a short, sharp high pitched sound

Bustle - move in an energetic manner

Unison - simultaneous utterance of words

Rapping – striking

Thumbed - a book read often

Cranky - strange                

Saar - a river

Angelus - a Roman Catholic devotion at morning, noon, and sunset.        

“Vive la France!” - “Long live France!”


Prose – 7

Gaunt – lean because of hunger or age.

Twitched - short, sudden jerking movements.

Contagious - spreading by direct contact

Groan - sound in pain or despair.

Plague - bacterial fever

Bolted - closed the door

Mantle piece - a structure in the fireplace.

Half-crown - British coin equal to two shillings and six pence.               

Tongs - a device for picking up objects

Delirious - disturbed mind by restlessness.

Frail - weak and delicate.

Startled - sudden shock or alarm.

Scuffle - sudden short fight


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