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Unit test - Unit-6 - XI Standard(+1) - English - Samacheer Kalvi

  Unit Test (Unit-6) Std. - XI                                                                                                                                                                                                               ...

Dialogue Writing - English - Samacheer Kalvi

Dialogue Writing Construct a dialogue between a customer and shopkeeper with at least five utterances each Customer: Do you have fresh vegetables? Shopkeeper: yes, mam. They are fresh from farm. Customer: That's great! How much a kilo of tomato cost? Shopkeeper: Thirty rupees a kilo ma'am   Customer: Give me two kilograms of tomato. Shopkeeper:  yes, sure ma'am. Customer: weigh these brinjal please Shopkeeper: It weighs two kilograms and it costs hundred and twenty rupees. Customer: Tell me the total amount Shopkeeper: Your total bill amount is hundred and fifty rupees  Customer: Here is the amount.  Shopkeeper: Thank you mam.

Poem Comprehension - Simple - 6th Grade Standard

Poem Comprehension Read the poem and answer the questions that follow People of past rode the horse of life, When scarcity not a matter of grief. Wallet empty, but happiness was bounty. Cared less for “I”, used a countless “we”, Dependent on Nature for its pot heavy . Shed the shell of selfishness, swimming Free of burden, thereby flows joy brimming.. Questions 1. What was not a matter of grief? 2. How was their wallet? 3. Which word did they use much? 4. What did they dependent on? 5. What must we shed? Answers 1. Scarcity was not a matter of grief 2. Their wallet was empty. 3. They used the word “we” much. 4. They were dependent on nature 5. We must shed selfishness.

Poem Appreciation Questions - Poem - 10th Std. - English - Important questions, easy and simple - Minimum Levels of Learning

Poem Appreciation Questions - Poem - 10th Std   Poem - 1     "Life" 1. Whom does the word ‘me’ refer to? Poet- Henry Van Dyke 2. What kind of life does the poet want to lead? A joyful life 3. Why do you think the poet is not in a hurry? E njoy and live the life/determined to reach the goal. 4. What should one not mourn for? Things that are lost 5. What does the poet mean by the phrase ‘in the dim past’? Unhappy past experiences 6. Is the poet afraid of future? No 7. How can one travel on with cheer? Memories of youth and old age 8. How is the way of life? Ups and down, rough and smooth 9. How should be the journey of life? Joyful 10. What did the poet seek as a boy? New friendship, high adventure and crown 11. What kind of quest does the poet seek here? The courageous quest 12. What is the poet’s hope? Last turn will be the best Poem - 2  "The Grumble Family" 1. Where does the family live? Complaining Street 2. Why do you think the street is named as ‘Complainin...

Trip to Ooty - 6th Std - Term 2 - Unit - 2 - Prose - - Answers - Samacheer Kalvi

Term - 2 Unit - 2 Trip to Ooty (Prose) I. Synonyms 1. Mesh - Material made of a network of wire or thread 2. Swaying - Moving slowly or rhythmically 3. Snaking - Moving like a snake 4. Sniggered - Laughed in a half suppressed way 5. Clinging - Fitting closely to the body 6. Scream - Cry in a high pitch 7. Snatch - Quickly seize (someone) in a rude or eager way 8. Entranced - Filled (someone) with wonder and delight, holding their entire attention 9. Thud - A dull sound, as that of a heavy object striking a solid surface 10. Trumpeting - Making a loud noise 11. Chugging - Move slowly making regular muffled sounds, as of an engine running slowly 12. Coax - Persuade (someone) gently to do something 13. Murmur - To make a low, continuous, indistinct sound; grumble II. Antonyms 1. Slowly x quickly 2. Different x same 3. Outside x inside 4. Excited x unexcited 5. Whole x part III. Answer the following questions 1. Where did the boys and girls go? The boys and girls from class six went to Oot...

From A Railway Carriage - Poem - Answers - 6th Std - Term 2 - Unit 2 - Samacheer Kalvi

  6th Standard Term - 2  Unit -2 (Poem) From A Railway Carriage I. Read the lines and answer the questions given below. 1. Faster than fairies, faster than witches,     Bridges.and houses, hedges and ditches; a) What is faster than fairies and witches? Answer: Train is faster than fairies and witches. b) Why does the poet mention ‘bridges and houses, hedges and ditches? Where are they? Answer:   The train crosses the bridges and houses, hedges and ditches so the poet mentions them 2. Here is a child who clambers and scrambles,     All by himself and gathering brambles; a) Where do you think the child is? Answer: The child is outside the train. b) What does ‘gathering brambles’ mean? Answer: It means collecting berries 3. And ever again, in the wink of an eye     Painted stations whistle by. a) ‘In the wink of an eye’ means quickly. Explain ‘painted stations whistle by’? Answer: The train crosses the stations whistling by which are painted in ...

6th English - Answer Key - Second mid term question paper - 2022 - Term II - Samacheer Kalvi

  Second Midterm Test – November 2022 Sub: English                                                                                                                        Time: 1.30 Hours                                      ...

6th English - Second mid term question paper - Term II - Samacheer Kalvi

 Portion : Unit-1 (Term-2) (Find the link for the answer key at the end of this question paper) Second Midterm Test  Sub: English                                                                                                                           Time: 1.30 Hours                    ...