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Standard IX - 9th Standard - English - Third Term Final - Annual Examination - Question Paper - Samacheer kalvi




Class: IX                                                                                                                    Marks: 100

Subject: English                                                                                                        Time: 3 hrs


Choose the appropriate synonyms for the underlined words.                              14x1=14

1. Sir, would spot me in the melee and virtually drag me out.

a) confusion                b) singularity               c) capability                d) crowd

2. She was tired of pruning rose bushes.

a) climbing                  b) jumping                  c) trimming                 d) turning

3. Hark, What’s that?

a) violent                     b) listen                      c) blunt                       d) burst


Choose the appropriate antonyms for the underlined words.

4. The schedule was rigorous.

a) careless                    b) harsh                      c) right                         d) correct

5. In her outstretched hand a rusty old medal…..

a) fold                         b) tight                        c) close                        d) unfold

6. Jim, I am scared.

a) happy                      b) courageous              c) afraid                      d) pensive

7. Choose a suitable prefix to the word ‘___happy’.

a) sub                           b) re                             c) un                            d) en

8. Choose a suitable suffix to the word ‘weak__’.

a) ist                            b) able                         c) ness                         d) ity

9. Choose the correct plural from of loaf.

a) lovaes                      b) loavas                      c) loaves                      d) loafes

10. Fill in the blank with suitable homophone given in bracket.

The house is nearby the ____. (see, sea)

11. Choose the correct compound word that can be placed after the word “boarding”.

a) pause                       b) pass                         c) parts                        d) fast

12. Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.

We have been living in Chennai _____ eight years.

a) at                             b) for                          c) since                        d) from

13. Complete the following sentence with the most suitable phrasal verb.

Many students _______ of the schools due to poverty.

a) drop in                     b) drop away               c) drop out                  d) drop on

14. Fill in the blank with suitable linker.

____ he is ninety years old, he is in the pink of health.

a) When                       b) Since                       c) Even though           d) yet


Section - 1 (prose)

Answer any three of the following questions in a sentence or two.                                  3x2= 6

15. What was coach Achrekar’s first impression on Sachin?

16. What did the visitor hide in the jackfruit tree?

17. Which character fascinated young Indira?

18. How does Red Cross help the children?

Section – II (Poetry)

Answer any three of the following questions.

Read the following lines and answer the questions given below.                                      3x2=6

19. “He will not see me stopping here

To watch his woods fill up with snow”

a) Whom does ‘he’ refer to?

b) Identify the season in these lines.

20. “The outer ice is melting

Causing vapour from the force”

a) What is melting?

b) Which causes vapour?

21. “And I watered it in fears

Night and morning with my tears”

a) What does ‘It’ refer to?

b) How is ‘it’ watered?

22. “And out of its leprous hide

Sprouting leaves”.

a) What does the phrase ‘leprous hide’ mean?

b) What comes out of the leprous hide?

Section – III (Grammar)

Answer any three of the following questions.                                                                     3x2=6

23. Rewrite the following sentence to the other voice.

You are making a cake now.

24. Rewrite using indirect speech.

The teacher said, “The sun rises in the east”.

25. Rewrite the following in comparative degree.

Very few girls in the class are as tall as Ramya.

26. Rearrange the words in the correct order to make a meaningful sentence. / the house/ we/ lived/ have/ this.

b. tennis ball / I/my/ friends/colony/cricket/ played/ with

27. Punctuate the following sentence.

the old man said alas Ive lost my health

Section – IV (Compulsory)                                       1x2=2

28. Guide the stranger to the nearby temple.










Part III

Section – I                                                   10x5=50

Answer any two of the following in utmost 10 lines.                                                       2x5=10

29. ‘Achrekar was a sincere coach’. Substantiate.

30. What did Ruskin Bond observe about the house?

31. How did Amy manage the situation at home?

32. Narrate the clever strategy followed by Clem Jones to deceive Pongo?

Section – II

Answer any two of the following in utmost 10 lines.                                                        2x5=10

33. Summarize the poem, ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ by Frost.

34. Narrate how the poet describes the comet?

35. Read the following stanza and answer the questions given below.

I was angry with my friend;

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

I was angry with my foe:

I told it not, my wrath did grow.

a) Pick out the rhyming words.

b) What is the rhyming scheme of the above stanza?

c) Identify the figures of speech in the title of the poem?

d) Mention the figure of speech used in the above lines.

36. Paraphrase the following stanza.

“It takes much time to kill a tree,

Not a simple jab of the knife

Will do it. It has grown

Slowly consuming the earth,

Rising out of it, feeding”

Section III

Answer any one of the following.                                                                            1 x 5 = 5

37. Rearrange the following sentences in coherent order.

1. They broke up the mortar and burnt it.

2. There dwelt a covetous and stingy old man and woman in the neighbouring house.

3. They collected all the ashes that remained and put them in a basket.

4. There lived an honest man with his wife, who had a favourite dog through which he got a treasure.

5. The wicked old couple seized the dog, and they killed him.

38. Read the following passage and answer the question that follow.

It was a miracle. She had been buried under the debris for a hundred and sixteen hours. She had survived the earthquake, the cold nights and the wild animals. A ragged cheer went up and the soldier wrapped her in a warm blanket and carried her to the tent where a make shift hospital had been set up. Bhuli lived. The next day I went to thank the Army officer. But he was gone. I did not even know his name.


a) Who had been buried under the debris?

b) How long was she under the debris?

c) Was she saved by the Army officer?

d) Where did he go to thank?

e) What caused her to face suffering?

Section – IV (Writing)

Answer any four of the following                                                                                     4x5=20

39. Prepare an attractive advertisement using the hints given below.

Baby – electronics – technology – leading – trend – super sale – on all electronics – discount – 70% - 85, Suman Nagar, Mumbai-6.

40. You are the school pupil leader. Write a letter to the Inspector of Police requesting him to give awareness to your school children about drugs.

41. You are Madhan. Prepare a notice about the ECO Club meeting in your school.

42. Look at the following picture and express your views on it in above five sentences.


Pongal Festival Line Drawing Clip Art


43. Make notes or write a summary of the following passage.

Trees not only supply us with many of the conveniences of our daily life, they do much more than that. They support the life of living things. They help to replace the oxygen in the air constantly being used up and turned into carbon dioxide when animals breathe and things burn. The green leaves of trees absorb the carbon-dioxide from the air and with the help of sunlight break it up into carbon and oxygen. The carbon is used to make starch and oxygen is released

into the atmosphere. That is how trees help to replace the oxygen in the atmosphere. The green cells of leaves are wonderful little laboratories, where all the starch in the world is produced. Since starch forms an important part of the food of men and animals, their life depends on the work done by the green cells of plants. Thus, trees are great friends of man.

44. Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences.

a) He is the good batsman in our team.

b) I deeply regret for my mistakes.

c) The culprit killed his partner by knife.

d) We rarely go to the park, don’t we?

e) He works hardly.

Section – V (memoriter) Compulsory

45. Quote from memory                                                                                                    1 x 5 = 5

From:  Whose woods ………..

To:    ………………queer

Part – IV (Supplementary)

46. Write a paragraph of about 150 words by developing the following hints.               1x8=8

a) Tommy and Margie –found – schools of past – a real book – yellow and crinkly – at present, words on a television screen –millions of books – but old book – attic of his house – tells of old schools – Margie hated – problems with geography –The mechanical teacher –screen – slot to insert her homework –in her house – Mechanical teacher stood – thinking about the old school.


b) Molthi – the village – destroyed by the earthquake – four days for the army to arrive – Soldiers reached – 4 days – made a makeshift camp –took the corpse –Brij – could not find his sister –searched – three soldiers with spades and crowbars – brought petromax lights – darkness – cleared the debris – spotted the baby – alive after 116 hours –officer

left –repay his debt – free tea – symbol of love and humanity

Part - V (General Comprehension)

47. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions given below.                     4x2=8

Some insects are harmful to human beings. The poison of the black widow spider causes unbearable pain. It stiffens the muscles of the abdomen and causes death to some of the victims. Some kinds of mosquitoes carry germs that cause diseases such as malaria, yellow fever and sleeping sickness. The mosquitoes pick up the germs and pass them on to the people they bite. Flies play a part in spreading such diseases as cholera, dysentery and typhoid fever. All insects which carry germs and spread diseases live and breed only in dirty places. So, we can prevent such diseases if we keep our houses free of dirt.


a) How harmful is the bite of the black widow spider?

b) What are the diseases caused by mosquitoes?

c) How do mosquitoes play a part in spreading diseases?

d) Why are flies harmful to us?


Read the following poem and answer the questions given below.

A bird, came down the Walk –

He did not know I saw

He bit an Angle Worm in halves

And ate the fellow, raw,

And then, he drank a Dew

From a convenient Grass –

And then hopped sidewise to the Wall

To let a Beetle pass – He glanced with rapid eyes,

That looked like frightened Beads, I thought,

He stirred his Velvet Head.


a. What did the poet see?

b. Did the bird drink water? How?

c. How did the bird eat the worm?

d. What are the eyes compared to?


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