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II- Mid Term Test Question Paper - Standard VIII - English - Samacheer Kalvi


II- Mid Term Test 

Class: VIII                                                                                             Time: 1.30 hrs

Subject: English                                                                                     Marks: 50


I. Choose the correct Synonyms for the italicized words:                                       3×1=3

1. Asif quarreled with his friend.

a) fought    b) differ     c) peace     d) fun

2. I was really scared.

a) bold        b) frightened       c) timid     d) confused

3. I was really scared.

a) bold        b) frightened       c) timid     d) confused

II. Choose the correct Antonyms for the italicized words:                                     3×1=3

1. He spoke nervously. 

a) scared         b) confident         c) anxious       d) upset

2. A stranger was roaming around the street.

a) well known    b) newcomer     c) unknown   d) foreigner

3. I was really scared.

a) bold        b) frightened       c) timid     d) confused

III. Answer any two of the following questions:                                                    2×2=4

1. What was the name of Vetri’s company?

2. Why do we use the internet?

3. What do strangers do with our personal information?


IV. Answer any one of the following paragraphs:                                                        1×5=5

1. How did Vetri lose his properties?

2. How should one use the technology of the present world?


V. Fill in the blanks with the suitable answers:                                                     3×1=3

1. Vetri’s friend is ______________.

2. Gladin is gathering information for his ___________________.

3. Asif saw his friend through the ________________.


VI. Answer any two of the following questions:                                                    2×2=4




VII. Quote from the memory poem "A Thing of Beauty":                                       5x1=5


VIII. Answer any two of the following questions:                                                 2×2=4

1. What was the name of Vetri’s company?

2. Why do we use the internet?

3. What do strangers do with our personal information?


IX. Identify the speaker/ character:                                                                               2×2=4

1. What is planting a flower is compared to?

2. What do the smallest gifts deserve?




I. Find out the clipped words for the following                              3×1=3

1. gymnasium

2. cafeteria

3. exhibition


II. Answer any two from the following questions:                                                       3×1=3

1. What is the name of the hero in "Homeless Man and his Friends: A True Story"?

2. When was he admitted in the hospital?

3. Where is the hospital?


III. Change the following into Indirect speech:                                                           3×1=3

1. She said, "My sister is learning Bharathanatyam".

2. "Sit down boys", said the teacher.

3. "What do you want?" he said to her.


IV. Fill in the blanks with suitable tags                                                                      3×1=3

1. They went home from school, _____________?

2. I'm clever, _____________?

3. Let's go for a walk, ______________?

4. John and Mary don’t like Maths, ____________?

V. Answer any one of the following:                                                          5×1=5

a) Write a formal email to Mr Sundar Pitchai CEO, of Google, requesting him for an appointment to interview him.                                                                   


b) Write an informal email to your uncle, thanking him for the present that he has sent you for your birthday.




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