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6th English - Second Terminal Final Exam - Half Yearly Examination - Term II - Samacheer Kalvi


Half Yearly Examination

STD:  ENGLISH                                                                                                        MARKS:- 100

STD. – VI                                                                                                                    TIME : 2.30 Hrs

I. Choose the correct synonym of the given word                                                                   5 x 1 = 5

  1. Sniggered –

a) Laughed                b) cried                                    c) run                           d) crawl

2. Coax -

a) Persuade               b) collect                                 c) continue                  d) collaboration

3. Recognised -

a) Known                  b) recollect                              c) resign                       d) resisted

4. Correspondent -

a) corroborate                        b) copious                    c) reporter               d) resource person

5. Privilege -

a) Honour                  b) previous                              c) predefined             d) dishonour

II. Choose the correct antonym of the given word                                                                    5 x 1 = 5

1. Interesting

a) Pleasing                 b) joyful                                  c) boring                      d) captivating

2. General

a) Common               b) usual                                    c) specific                    d) genius

3. Whole

a) Complete              b) part                                      c) full                           d) whole

4. Excited

a) Excellent               b) Unexcited                           c) Surprised                 d) Expressive

5. Different

a) Same                     b) difficult                               c) digestion                 d) diffusion


III. Write the expanded form of the following                                                                                  3 x 1 = 3

  1. Doesn’t -                           2. Can’t -                     3. Won’t -       


IV. Put the words in correct order and rewrite each sentence.                                               3 x 1 = 3

1. They have a post-box. (Red, Small, Rectangular)

2. I have sticks. (Long, Two, Brown) 

3. Find me the brushes. (New, Five, Yellow)


V. Rewrite the complete word                                                                                                             5 x 1 = 5

1. S _ e _ ta _ u _ ar              2.  _x_ I _ e _                          3. D _ l _ c _ _ _ s

4. S _ re _ _                           5. F _  I _ h _ e _ _d


VI. Split each of these words into syllables.                                                                                   5 x 1 = 5

1. Wonderful                                    2. Behind                    3. Bananas                   4. Thud            5. Everyone


VII. Choose the correct answer                                                                                                           5 x 1 = 5

1. Springfields is the name of a ________              

          a. team                        b. house                       c. company                              d. school

2. The inter-school sports meet refers to competitions among the ______                 

a. teams of the same school                         b. schools in the locality

c. schools in neighborhood                           d. schools from other districts

3. Seema is Rucha’s  _________              

a. friend                    b. teammate                 c. younger sister                      d. opponent

4. Gulliver managed to reach the land as he was                         

a. A doctor.               b. One of the crews.    c. A swimmer.                         d. the captain.

5. Gulliver was set free because the emperor                        

 a. was afraid of him.                                                b. confirmed that he was not harmful.

c. was a kind hearted person.                                   d. wanted to get something from him.


VIII. Identify the speaker / character.                                                                                             5 x 1 = 5

1. He felt something moving along his body almost up to his chin.

2. They somehow managed to put him on the platform.

3. "Don't let us down now, Gulliver; we need your help."

 4. Think to win! Only to win!

5. “Vishnu, stop the cycle. I want to get off,”


IX. Read the poetic lines and answer the questions                                                                    5 x 1 = 5

1. They may sound your praise and call you great,

     They may single you out for fame,

     But you must work with your running mate

     Or you’ll never win the game;

a) Whom does ‘they’ refer to? 

b) What is the rhyme scheme of the given lines? 

c) Pick out the rhyming words from the given lines.

2. Here is a child who clambers and scrambles,      

    All by himself and gathering brambles;

a. Where do you think the child is?

b. What does ‘gathering brambles’ mean?

X. Answer any 4 of the following questions (Poem)                                                                     4 x 2 =8

1. What does ‘charges along like troops in a battle’ mean?

2. What helps one win the game? 

3. Why does the child clamber and scramble?

4. What qualities are needed to play a game?

5. What helps one win the game?


XI. Answer any 4 of the following questions (Prose)                                                                  4 x 2 = 8

1. Where did the boys and girls go?

2. Why did Muthu say that he could walk along its side?

3. Why did the girls snigger?

4. What did she sell to support her family?

5. What made the trip a memorable one?


XII. Answer any 4 of the following questions (Supplementary)                                               4 x 2 = 8

1. How did Gulliver overcome the adversity?

2. How should one react to adversity?

3. How does Rucha differ from her sister?

4. What words were ringing in Rucha’s ears when she was running in the relay?

5. What did Rucha finally realise about herself?


XIII. Choose the correct option                                                                                                           5 x 1 = 5

1. Children_________ (like/likes) ice-creams.

2. Birds_________ (was flying/were flying) in the sky.

3. The doctor__________ (is treating/ are treating) the patient.

4. Harish ______ (goes/go) to school by bus.

5. You _______ (is/are) my friend.


XIV. Fill in the blanks with correct tense form of the given verb                                          5 x 1 = 5

1. She _______(eat) her lunch with her friend daily.

2. We ________ (play) cricket yesterday.

3. Naveen _____ (writing) a story now.

4. While I _______ (sleep), my brother came.

5. Tree_______ (give) us oxygen.


XV. Fill in the blanks with correct preposition (to, on, with, at, near)                                 5 x 1 = 5

1. I am going _____ Chennai.

2. He is fighting ______ his brother.

3. I met him ______ 5 p.m.

4. The programme is _______ Wednesday.

5. Naveen is sitting _____ Dhanush.




XVI. Construct a dialogue between a parent and a class teacher in a school.                    1 x 5 = 5


XVII. Write a formal letter to electricity board officer about regular power cut in your area      1 x 5 = 5


XVIII. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow                                              5 x 1 = 5

The icy Himalayan heights are the source of a major chunk of India’s rivers. The complex network of rivers flowing through valleys and forests are just perfect for adventure sport like the white water rafting. Among the other regions in the country, the Garhwal and Kumaon region in Uttarakhand is regarded as the best location for a perfect water adventure. The most suitable period for this watery performance is between September-November and March- May.


1. Which is the source of a major chunk of India’s rivers?

2. Which is the best location for a perfect water adventure?

3. Which months are most suitable period for this watery performance?

4. ­­­______ is an adventure sport.

5. Do you like water games?

XIX. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow                                                    5 x 1 = 5

First I saw the white bear, then I saw the black;
Then I saw the camel with a hump upon his back;
Then I saw the grey wolf, with mutton in his maw;
Then I saw the wombat waddle in the straw;
Then I saw the elephant a-waving of his trunk;
Then I saw the monkeys – mercy, how unpleasantly they smelt!


1. What was the colour of bear?

2. What was the camel having upon his back?

3. What was the elephant doing?

4. What was the colour of wolf?

5. Which animal do you like?





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