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Showing posts from March, 2025

Synonyms and Antonyms Collection - 11th - XI - Previously asked - Repeated - Government Question Paper

Std. XI  Synonyms & Antonyms Collection Government Question Paper   Synonyms 1.Absurd - illogical  2.Prosaic - dull 3.Replenish - refill 4.Monotonous - boring  5.Haul - taking a collection  6.Vexation - annoyance  7.Eccentric - weird 8.Lauded - appreciated 9.Fables - stories 10.Antipathy - dislike 11.Endowed - gifted 12.Indignant - angry 13.Bedlam - confusion 14.Seclusion - isolation 15.Quivering - shivering 16.Princely - magnificent  17.Indelibly - permanently 18.Suave - polite 19.Eschewed - to abstain /avoid 20.Vintages - high quality wine 21.Conferred - granted 22 Smothered - suppressed 23.Cloistered - restricted 24.Appetite - hunger 25.Reluctant - unwilling 26.Rectitude - honesty 27.Princely - large 28.Cascade - waterfall 29.Mediocre - ordinary  30.Despondent - frustrated  31.Pallor - paleness 32.Etched - imprinted 33.Sieve - filter  34.Catastrophes - disaster 35. Rebuke - scold 36. Sate - satisfy 37. Hobbled x walked unsteadily ...

Poem - Appreciation Questions Collection - Full Portion - 12th - XII - Previously asked - Repeated - Government Question Paper

Poem Appreciation Questions Collection  Previously asked &  Repeated Government Question Paper 1. What can split a rock? 2. Who pukes in nurses arms? 3. Who is compared to mother eagle? 4. How should one face life? 5. What is meant by humdrum monotony? 6. What was Ulysses purpose in life? 7. How long would his venture last? 8. What is satchel? 9. Who is a giant here? 10. Why is the scarf colourful? 11. How safe was the castle? 12. What was the firm belief of the soldiers? 13. What quality of the tree is highlighted here? 14. How does the boy go to school? 15. What do you mean by provender? 16. What do you mean by baths? 17. Whose action is referred to here? 18. What is meant by prone brow? 19. Who is Telemachus? 20. Bring out the significance of Sceptre 21. Why couldn’t they do anything? 22. Why did they feel helpless? 23. What is meant by exits and entrances? 24. What do thunder and sunshine refer to? 25. How does free imagination help the world? 26. How does the tree sur...

Synonyms and Antonyms Collection - 12th - XII - Previously asked - Repeated - Government Question Paper

  Std. XII   Synonyms & Antonyms Collection Government Question Paper Synonyms 1. Liable - likely/responsible 2. Fate - destiny 3. Impudent - disrespectful 4. Slackened - loosened 5. Anarchy - lawlessness 6. Disfigured - marred 7. Shrugged - raised 8. Dragged - pulled 9. Stimulation - encouragement 10. Enormous - huge 11. Chaos - confusion  12. Artless - innocent 13. Amputated - cut off 14. Donned - put on 15. Prevalent - common 16. Subsided - diminished 17. Intrude - enter without permission 18. Perforated - punctured 19. Tantalise - taunt  20. Exasperated - annoyingly 21. Stimulation - excitement 22. Seasoned - garnished  23. Curtailed - reduced 24. Traverse - move across  25. Tyranny - autocracy 26. Hawked - sold 27. Amputated - removed 28. Crust - top 29. Agony - pain 30. Vexation - annoyance  31. Ennobles - dignify 32. Fancy - desire 33. Finale - climax  34....