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Showing posts from January, 2025

Kindergarten Graduation Day Certificate - Text - Template

  Kindergarten Graduation Certificate   This certifies that………………….has successfully completed the kindergarten and is appreciated for all the accomplishments in the course.     This is presented to…… recognition of the successful completion of Kindergarten and is appreciated for the commendable hard work.     This certifies that ………..has passed the kindergarten course and is congratulated for the enthusiastic involvement in all the endeavours.     This is to certify that…………has completed the Kindergarten course, fulfilling all the requirements in the acquisition of knowledge and skills.     Congratulations to……….for the meritorious completion of Kindergarten with the impressive record of academics and conduct.  

English Assignment - 4 (with answers) - Standard XI(11th) - Samacheer Kalvi

English Assignment – IV       Total Marks – 10   I. Write the synonym of the given words (2) 1. Cascade - ___________________ 2. Seclusion - ______________________ II. Write the expansion of “CPU” (1) Answer: __________________________________ III. Rewrite using inversion (2) 1. If I had some money, I would help you.. Answer: __________________________________ IV. Answer the following question  (2) 1. How should we carry out our duties?   2. Whom does the poet want to relearn from?   V. Read the passage and answer the questions  (3) The natural calamities have tragically affected the lives of about 15000 children in recent years in India. The tsunami waves and earthquakes created havoc on a large scale. About 5430 children became homeless due to the tsunami and 5438 were the victims of the earthquakes. Floods displaced 2602 and droughts affected 2036 children. Epidemics affected 1313 children. Out of...

English Assignment - 3 (with answers) - Standard XI(11th) - Samacheer Kalvi

                                                              English Assignment – III                      Total Marks – 10   I. Write the synonym of the given words (2) 1. Inherent - ___________________ 2. Exasperation - ______________________ II. Write the expansion of “LPG” (1) Answer: __________________________________ III. Rewrite into compound sentence (2) 1. Though he is late, he is allowed to attend the meeting. Answer: __________________________________ IV. Answer the following question  (2) 1. Which is considered as our stronghold?   2. Who is Bolingbroke?   V. Read the passage and answer the questions  (3) The sparrows are some of the few birds that engage in dust...

English Assignment - 2 (with answers) - Standard XI(11th) - Samacheer Kalvi

                                                 English Assignment – II                      Total Marks – 10   I. Write the synonym of the given words (2) 1. Reluctant - ___________________ 2. Smothered  - ______________________ II. Write the expansion of “IAS” (1) Answer: __________________________________ III. Rewrite into reported speech (2) 1. Prabu said, “I had cleaned my cupboard”. Answer: __________________________________ IV. Answer the following question  (2) 1. What is the poet’s faith?   2. What is ‘Scotland Yard’?   V. Read the passage and answer the questions  (3) More than 87,000 healthcare workers have been infected with Covid-19, with just six states – Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, West Be...

English Assignment - 1 (with answers) - Standard XI(11th) - Samacheer Kalvi

                                            English Assignment – I                               Total Marks – 10   I. Write the synonym of the given words (2) 1. Dilapidated - ___________________ 2. Appetite - ______________________ II. Write the expansion of “IIT” (1) Answer: __________________________________ III. Rewrite into passive voice (2) 1. Malathi has brought a new camera. Answer: __________________________________ IV. Answer the following question  (2) 1. Explain: ice-block-cold eyes   2. What pleases the ego?   V. Read the passage and answer the questions  (3) Among beverages, green tea is the best source of catechins that are effective in halting oxidative damage to cells. According to researchers at ...

English Assignment - 4 (with answers) - Standard XII(12th) - Samacheer Kalvi

                                               English Assignment – IV      Total Marks – 10   I. Write the synonym of the given words (2) 1. Stimulated - _____________________ 2. Resistance - ______________________ II. Write the expansion of “WHO” (1) Answer: __________________________________ III. Rewrite using inversion (2) 1. If I were an angel, I shall bless everyone. Answer: __________________________________ IV. Answer the following question  (2) 1. How did the soldiers spend the summer days?   2. Why did the boy contradict Napoleon’s words?   V. Read the passage and answer the questions  (3) Early rising leads to health and happiness. The man who rises early can have a little rest in the course of the day. Anyone who lies in bed late is compelled to work till late hours in the eve...

English Assignment - 3 (with answers) - Standard XII(12th) - Samacheer Kalvi

                                         English Assignment – III      Total Marks – 10   I. Write the synonym of the given words (2) 1. Chaos - _____________________ 2. Insolence - ______________________ II. Write the expansion of “RTE” (1) Answer: __________________________________ III. Rewrite into Compound Sentence (2) 1. Though Rani is poor, she is honest. Answer: __________________________________ IV. Answer the following question  (2) 1. How does free imagination help the world?   2. What is meant by prone brow?   V. Read the passage and answer the questions  (3) Happiness is like the sun; it is often hidden by the clouds of thoughts, worries and desires. We have to scatter and dissolve them to experience happiness. You don’t have to create happiness. All you have is to calm your mind, because wh...

English Assignment - 2 (with answers) - Standard XII(12th) - Samacheer Kalvi

                                                         English Assignment – II                     Total Marks – 10   I. Write the synonym of the given words (2) 1. Profound - _____________________ 2. Tantalize - ______________________ II. Write the expansion of “GST” (1) Answer: __________________________________ III. Rewrite into reported speech (2) 1. Ravi said, “I have completed my assignment”. Answer: __________________________________ IV. Answer the following question   (2) 1. Who does Ulysses entrust his kingdom to, in his absence?   2. Explain ‘bubble reputation’.   V. Read the passage and answer the questions   (3) Power foods are foods that provide rich levels of nutrients like fibre, potassi...

English Assignment - 1 (with answers) - Standard XII(12th) - Samacheer Kalvi

                                                 English Assignment – I                                    Total Marks – 10    I. Write the synonym of the given words (2)  1. Slackened - ___________________  2. Liable - ______________________  II. Write the expansion of “UGC” (1)  Answer: __________________________________  III. Rewrite into passive voice (2)  1. Priya is writing an exam now.  Answer: __________________________________  IV. Answer the following question  (2)  1. How safe was the castle?   2. Why is the scarf colorful?   V. Read the passage and answer the questions  (3)   Cataract is the major cause of blin...