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Showing posts from December, 2024

Letter Writing - A Letter to the employer to stop deducing share from salary for Employee Provident Fund

A Letter to the employer to stop deducing share from salary for Employee Provident Fund    From S. Dharshan, B.T Assistant in English, SRM Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Madurai. 18, December 2024 To  The Academic Director, SRM Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Madurai. Respected sir, Sub: Requesting to stop the deduction of my provident fund share  I am intending to withdraw my provident fund money collected in my account. So I kindly request you to stop deducting the amount from my salary towards my provident fund account and help me to avail my provident fund benefit. Thanking you, Yours truly, S. Dharshan.

10th Standard - X Std. - English - Unit 1 to 7 - Poem Appreciation Question Answers- Repeated Important Questions - Previously Asked Questions in Government Question Paper

  Repeated Poem Appreciation Question Answers What kind of life does the poet want to lead? Why do you think the poet is not in a hurry? What does the poet mean by the phrase ‘in the dim past’? What kind of quest does the poet seek? What is the poet’s hope? What should one not mourn for?  Is the poet afraid of future? How is the way of life? How should be the journey of life?  Where does the family live?  What does the word ‘growl’ mean here? What does the word ‘gloomy’ mean here? Why do you think the street is named as ‘Complaining Street’? Why do they find everything amiss?  What does the poet expect everyone to learn?  What should we do when things go wrong sometimes? What is she strong about? How does she deal with the adversities in life? How does she take life ? What does she symbolise? Who is the symbol of power and strength? What does the word "innate" mean? What does the word "persistence" mean? What was the routine of the cricket?  Why was hi...

10th Standard - X Std. - English - Unit 1 to 7 - Prose Short Answers- Important Questions - Previously Asked Questions in Government Question Paper

 Prose Short Answers - Previously Asked Questions Why did the seagull fail to fly? What did the parents do, when the young seagull failed to fly? What was the first catch of the young seagull’s older brother? What made the young seagull go mad? What did the young bird do to seek the attention of his parents? What prompted the young seagull to fly finally? How was the young seagull’s first attempt to fly? What happened to the young seagull when it landed on the green sea? How did the bird feel when it started flying for the first time? Why did the young seagull utter a joyful scream? What did the narrator think the unusual sound was? Who were the narrator's neighbours ? What was the grandfather wearing? Why did Herman and the author slam the doors? What do you understand by the mother’s act of throwing the shoe? Why do you think Mrs. Bodwell wanted to sell the house? How did the cops manage to enter the locked house? Mention the events that the grandfather imagined? What woke up the...

11th Standard - XI Std. - English - Unit 1 to 4 - Poem Appreciation Question Answers- Repeated Important Questions - Previously Asked Questions in Government Question Paper

 Repeated Poem Appreciation Question Answers 1. Whom does the poet admire? 2. Whom do we adore? 3. What is valued and respected? 4. Whom does the poet want to relearn from? 5. Who was Bolingbroke? 6. How should we carry out our duties? 7. What is Scotland Yard? 8. Why does the flying squad feel disappointed? 9. What is the poet’s faith? 10. What trait of nature do we see here? 11. What pleases the ego? 12. Explain ice-block cold eyes? 13. What does ‘Heaven’ refer to? 14. Why does the poet call it holy? 15. Does the poet talk about the real cat? 16. Why is he called a Hidden Paw? 17. What is paper made of? 18. How do we react to defeat? 19. Which is considered as our stronghold? 20. What does bashful spirit mean? 21. What is meant by limp? 22. How is the cat described? 23. What does the poet want to tell? 24. What do the twig try? 25. Explain – Monster of Depravity 26. Why are doctors called? 27. Why does the poet make such an obse...

12th Standard - XII Std. - English - Unit 1 to 6 - Prose Short Answers- Important Questions - Previously Asked Questions in Government Question Paper

 Prose Short Answers - Previously Asked Questions 1. Describe the appearance of Nicola and  Jacopo 2.  What were the various jobs undertaken  by the little boys? 3. What made the boys work so hard? 4. The boys did not spend much on clothes and food. Why? 5. Describe the girl with whom the boys  were talking to in the cubicle. 6. How did the narrator help the boys on  Sunday? 7.  Mention the countries in which tea is a  part of civilization 8. What is the second golden rule in the preparation of tea? 9. How does army tea taste? 10. Does the author like drinking tea with sugar? Give reasons 11. What are the author’s views on China tea? 12. How does adding sugar affect the taste of tea? 13. Elucidate the author’s ideas about teapots 14. Why does the author advise removing cream from the milk 15.  How was the unattended trolley put to use? 16. What roles did the duo take up? 17. What does Dr. Barnard compare this entertainment to? 18. What h...