"Lessons in Life" - Brigette Bryant & Daniel Ho Paragraph Answer Write a summary of the poem “Lessons in Life” or Discuss the lessons for life expressed in the poem “Lessons in Life” The poem “Lessons in Life” elucidates a few lessons for life so that one can follow to evolve into a better being. Building a good friendship is like planting a sapling. It grows and blooms to spread love and kindness. We need to be compassionate and love every organism on the Earth. We have to be grateful for every benefit we receive and we must never forget to say ‘thank you’ even for the smallest gifts. We are to reciprocate the respect as everyone is important. We ought to think of our fellow beings and the love has to be mutual. We feel sad when we are forgotten or unnoticed and the poet advises not to ignore or neglect others at any situation. Treat others in a
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