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Showing posts from November, 2020


 Syllabification Syllabication is the act, process, or method of forming or dividing words into syllables. It is splitting of words according to the syllables or unit of sounds or vowel sounds, It has six types. They are: 1,Monosyllabic - only one syllable 2.Disyllabic (or) Bisyllabic - two syllables 3.Trisyllabic - three syllables  4.Tetrasyllabic- four syllables  5.Pentasyllabic- five syllables  6.Polysyllabic (or) Multisyllabic - six or more syllables  The process of dividing words into smaller parts or syllables is called 'Syllabification' Examples  1. Education - edu•ca•tion  2. School - •school• 3. College - col•lege 4. English - eng•lish 5. Opportunity - op•por•tun•ity 6. Friend - •friend• 7. Teacher - teach•er 8. Simultaneously - sim•ul•tan•eous•ly 9. Laboratory - la•bora•tory 10. Beneficiary - bene•fi•ciary

A letter requesting for permission to do service in temple premises

From AAAA, BBBB, CCCC. To Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams TTD Administrative Building K.T. Road Tirupati 517 501 Andhra Pradesh  India. Dear sir, Sub: Seeking permission to do service in temple - Reg. Warm greetings to you! God has been gracious towards us even in these difficult times. We, his creations, are saved by his Divine Hands. It is our lovable duty to serve the Almighty at all costs so as to reciprocate the love through our service. In this respect, a team of devotees has been performing our service as a mark of our reverence and gratitude to the Lord. This year too, we have planned for such a service. The team includes personalities occupying important posts in education department who are eager to do the service with humble spirit and ardent devotion. We request  you to make a schedule to fulfill the noble task.  We seek your permission to perform the service at the temple premises and help us to be blessed by the Almighty.  Thank you, AAAA.

Dialogue Writing / Dialogue Completion

  A conversation between two friends in the class Manoj: Hi Priya! How are you? Priya: I am fine, and what about you? Manoj: I am fine too. What are you doing in this early morning? Priya: I am taking care of my garden. Manoj: Oh! What a beautiful garden it is ! Priya: It is beautiful as I work every day in it. Manoj: Who helps you in your work? Priya: Myself have done this. It is my hobby and I have cultivated vegetables. Manoj: Oh! that's nice. How long have you been doing this? Priya: I have been doing this for six months. Manoj: That's great! Name some plants you grow. Priya: I grow brinjal, tomato, lady's finger etc. Manoj: You can harvest the vegetables for your family. Priya: yes, you are right. Why don't you take up this hobby? Manoj: Sure Priya! I'll start growing in this rainy season. Thank you. Bye!

Dialogue Writing

  As a local government official working in the flood affected area, you are talking to an old lady who has lost her belongings. Write a dialogue between you and the old woman. You Good morning Madam. Old lady: Good morning. You: I’m from the Fire and Rescue department. How can I help you? Old lady: our area is worst affected by the flood. Please help us to protect our belongings. You: we are here to help you ma’am. Old lady: We are relieved of our worries by your arrival. We have been tensed until we saw you. You: All are our staff have come to save you from this disaster. Old lady: The area has knee-deep water. Harmful reptiles and insects are found in water.   You: Don't worry! We shall drain out the water from this area by an hour.   Old lady: I lost many of my belongings. please help me to find them.   You: Surely we shall recover all your things.   Old lady: Thank you so much sir! Don't lose hope ma’am! we are here to protect...

Hints Development - Birbal's Wisdom - Hints into a story

           Develop the hints into a story   Akbar - Birbal - courtiers jealous of Birbal - ask Akbar – test Birbal wiseness - Courtier puts a question - How many crows in Agra - Birbal asks for a week - everyday sitting on the terrace - looking at the crows- after a week - courtier asks - Birbal says 156757 crows - asks the courtier to check- Akbar laughs. "Birbal's Wisdom"                Birbal was a famous and favourite courtier of Akbar. The other courtiers were jealous of Birbal. One day they asked permission to the King for testing Birbal’s wisdom. The King granted permission. The courtiers put a question that how many crows are there in Agra. Birbal requested the courtiers of a week's time to answer their question. From the next day, Birbal sat on terrace looking at the crows. This continued for a week. The day had come and the courtiers demanded the answers for the question. The king and others were ...

Your friend who lives in another city has won championship trophy in the recent sports meet. Write a letter congratulating your friend.

  643, State Bank Colony, Thoothukudi. 18 June 2024 Dear Kumar,           Well and wish to hear the same from you. I came to know that you have   won championship in the sports meet conducted in your school. I am so happy and it   is the fruit of your hard work and dedication.   You are sincere and obedient to your coach. I had seen you many times practising early in the morning when I was with you. You stand as an example for all of us that anyone can achieve  with  perseverance. Your parents must be proud of you. This is just a beginning. Achievements and   accolades await   you in all your endeavours in sports and in your life as well.           Convey my regards to all your family members. Yours lovingly, BBBB. Address on the Envelope To      Kumar,     87, West Street,     Madurai - 6.

Develop the hints : "The Hare and the Tortoise"

  Develop the following hints into a story             Tortoise - hare - forest - tortoise walking- seen by a hare - hare laughs - tortoise speed - tortoise sad - bet - race - tortoise moving- slow speed -hare moves - fast – sleeps - tortoise - reaches winning point - first - wins the bet. The Hare and the Tortoise             Once there lived a tortoise and hare in a forest. The tortoise walked slowly. Seeing it, the hare laughed at it as the hare can run fast. The tortoise felt sad by its inability to move fast like the hare. Now the hare called tortoise for a running race. The race started and both of them started to run. By its nature, the hare began at a lightning speed. The tortoise, on the other hand, moved slowly. The hare saw the tortoise at a long distance, moving with heavy steps and the hare slept. The tortoise, in its steady pace, reached the winning point and won the bet. The hare woke up to ...

Compound Words in English - Explanation and Examples

What are Compound Words? Compound words are formed by joining two or more words  to create a new word which may have a different, new meaning. Types of Compound Words There are three types of compound words. Closed Compound words :      These words are formed with different words but written as a single word.  Open Compound words :       These words are formed with different words but written with a space in between.  Hyphenated Compound words :       These words are formed when separate words are joined together by a hyphen. Examples:- Noun + Noun News + paper = Newspaper Basket + ball = Basketball Eye + ball = Eyeball Sea + shore = Seashore Key + board = Keyboard Gerund + Noun Swimming + pool = Swimming pool Visiting + card = visiting card Living + room = Living room Working + day = Working day Waiting + list = Waiting list Noun + Verb Back + bite = backbite Type + write = Typewrite Head + line = Headline Photo + sh...

A letter to the manager of a famous daily, ordering subscription for school library.

From  BBBB, School pupil leader, St. Thomas the Apostle Mat. School, Thoothukudi.  09  November 2020 To The circulation Manager, The Hindu, 25, West Street, Madurai. Respected Sir,    Sub: Subscription of your daily - Reg.                  Our school is determined to impart the English language skill to students for their better future. Reading is the best proven method to increase the English knowlege. In view of it, we have decided to subscribe your daily newspaper to our school library. Your daily is known for its rich language and perfect grammar. It is sure to enrich the vocabulary of our students. They will be encouraged to read the newspaper regularly. We would like to know the yearly subscription charge and offers or discount, if any. We anticipate your sooner reply. Thank you. Yours sincerely, BBBB. Address on the Envelope  To The circulation Manager, The Hindu, 25, West Street, Madurai.

A complaint letter to the officer of PWD department to make immediate action to maintain cleanliness in the Children's Park.

From          AAAA,           643, State Bank Colony,          Thoothukudi. 4 June 2024 To           The Officer,             Public Works Department,            Thoothukudi. Respected Sir, Subject:  Maintenance of cleanliness in Children's Park - Reg.                    I am a resident of State  Bank Colony. Around 500 families reside in this locality. A Children's Park is located here. Many children play in the park and spend quality time in this park. It is a place of relaxation for elders and numerous people go walk regularly in the track but, of late, it lacked maintenance. Wrappers of chocolates and biscuits are littered everywhere. Rain water is stagnating due to recent rains. So I make a humble request to officials to look into the issue...

A complaint letter to the head of the school regarding your lost bicycle in the school premises

 From          BBBB,          Std X, Sec-A,          St. Thomas the Apostle Matric. School,          Thoothukudi. 29 October 2020 To     The Principal,          St. Thomas the Apostle Matric. School,     Thoothukudi. Respected Sir,   Subject: Complaint regarding lost bicycle - Reg.                     I am studying 10th standard in our school. I parked my bicycle in the shed near the west gate. After the school hours, I was about to start  to home but I found my cycle missing. It is a blue champion cycle with my name stickered on the chain cover. I have locked and the key is with me. I searched the campus thoroughly but in vain. So I request you to take this issue and help me to recover my cycle.    Thank you. Yours truly, BBBB.